Chapter 15

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Sorry for the delay guys! I've been pretty damn sick the past few days!! Xoxoxo


Chibs and Tig sat cuffed to the tiny steel table waiting for Lowen with very little patience left. They were meant to be getting out the next day, armed with the name of the man who was hand selected to torment Amelia and Tara. The longer they waited the more agitated they became. Lowen was never late, if anything she was early, and this had Tig and Chibs on edge.

"Let's go." One guard entered the room with a stern look on his face. "Meeting' been cancelled."

"Why?" Chibs refused to stand as his cuffs were removed from the table. "We got a right to meet with out lawyer.

"You do," the guard went on, "But it isn't happening right now."

Tig stood and shook his head at Chibs. They both knew this was bad, dangerous, and the best way to go about their remaining time in County was to peacefully listen to the guards.

"Did she reschedule?" Tig asked calmly as they headed out into the hallway.

The guard shook his head and glanced back at both of them. "She hasn't been seen all day. Never made it home last night. Her partner called and made a new appointment for tomorrow."


When they took Helen away for battery of tests Amelia decided it was best she went home for a shower and some proper sleep. Stepping out of the now empty room she caught Max at the end of the corridor.

"Where have you been?" She asked, jogging with Raylan strolling slowly behind her, to meet him.

Max smiled sadly and gave her a hug. "I was, working through some things. Had a meeting with my rabbi, he's a family friend. I just couldn't be here and I knew she wasn't alone. The doctors have been wonderful with keeping me updated."

"Uncle Max," Amelia spoke in a hushed tone knowing Raylan was right behind her. "We need to talk about what we'll do if her tests...don't come back the way we hope."

He shook his head staunchly. "I'll be damned if my wife rots in here on machines. There's no discussion, Amelia."

His cold demeanor and emotionless eyes disturbed Raylan as he watched the two, both with stark differences in their emotional reactions, talk about ultimately killing Helen.

"Oh," taken aback Amelia didn't know what to say. "Okay. Just... Please don't do anything without me here."

"Of course not," he hugged her again. "Go on home, we'll talk soon."


Raylan watched Amelia reluctantly walk into her house, Juice's bike sat in the drive gleaming beautifully in the sun and immediately called the office.

"Tim, I need you to run a phone check for me."

Knowing Raylan's penchant for working within the law, albeit using sneaky and not always official tactics, Tim had to ask. "Let me guess, the chief isn't supposed to know?"

"Not yet," he mused. "That Max Shawcross, he's just not sitting right with me."

"The background you ran a few days ago? Far be it from me to disagree with your hunch but didn't he come up clean?"

"He did, technically, but he's far from innocent. Let me know when you get the list back."


"Did something happen?" Juice looked up from the kitchen table, clearly melancholy, almost shocked to see Amelia in the house.

She shook her head and kicked off her shoes. "No. Day of tests so I figured I'd shower and nap. How's my dad?"

"In the infirmary." Juice admitted. "Lowen went missing, they won't be out tomorrow like we planned, probably not for another week. He and Tig got a nasty beat down, we don't know why though."

"Jesus Christ. I told you this was a terrible idea!"

"Next time I'll get your proxy for the vote then." He sneered, taking to his feet and turning away from her in frustration. "You're acting like this doesn't bother me. I hate seeing Helen like that and I'm just as upset over Chibs as you are but you need to remember we're handling this and you're not a member of the club."

"Oh I know, trust me." She snapped back. "I hate that fucking leather." Snatching his cut from the hook by the door she flung it across the dining room. "I hate the fucking club."

Swallowing back his rage, Juice stared at his cut on the floor in horror. He picked it and draped it over the back of the couch. They treated their cuts with the utmost respect and what Amelia had done was a slap in the face. As much as he loved his wife, Juice loved the club equally, albeit very differently, and he couldn't see reason for her to do react so harshly.

"Don't do that." He said in an uncharacteristically dark tone ."This isn't SAMCRO's fault."

"It's not? You seemed pretty sure it was, sure enough to get them all involved."

"Them?" He blinked at her in confusion. "I am one of them."

"Don't remind me. I love you. I'm hopelessly in love with you JC but I hate what you do."

"It's not just what I do, Meels. They're my family, yours too whether you like it or not."

"This is insane," she muttered to herself.

"It'll get better," he took a few steps closer. "I'm sorry I brought this on, Helen and this crazy shit you're feeling. I'm sorry but you knew who I was when we got married."

She nodded, tears in her eyes, and headed for the steps. "Yeah, I did, but it wasn't this bad then."

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