Chapter 6

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Even after the twenty-minute drive and the extra ten she spent in the parking lot trying to calm herself, Amelia still looked scared and exhausted when she sneaked into Juice's room. Looking her over he knew this was no ordinary visit but he didn't say anything about it at first. "Hey baby."

"Hi," she sniffled. "How are you?" The quick touchups she did to her face masked most of the crying signs but her darting eyes and shaking voice screamed out to him.

"I'm okay. How are you?"

"Good, tired and missing you, but good." Instead of sitting in her usual spot, either in the visitor's chair or on the edge of the bed, Amelia gingerly wiggled into bed with him. "This okay? I don't want to hurt you."

"It takes a lot to hurt me." He moved to the left a few inches and lifted his arm for her to rest her head on his shoulder. Juice wrapped his arm around her, his hand on her elbow, to hold her even closer against him. "What's wrong, Meels?"

"Nothing, I just miss you so much. When do you come home?"

"Doc said tomorrow maybe, hopefully, but if not then day after for sure."

Amelia nodded, but kept her mouth shut knowing her weak voice would betray her even further than her terrible acting skills had already. He could feel her trembling, ever so slightly, and Juice's heart sank as she gripped him tighter when he tried to move. Grimacing as he shifted onto his side to face her, wrapping his other arm around her and completely surrounding her with his body, Juice kissed her temple and just laid there hoping to reassure her with just his presence.

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

"It's just shit at work." She finally admitted. "Nothing crazy, just foul mouthed assholes."

He wanted to tell her he was right, that the DOC gig, at County or anywhere else, was bad news but not only would it hurt her more but he also loved having her there caring for him after the attack. "You're too pretty for that place."

"Yeah, I guess we both are, huh?" Cracking a smile, she looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "I'm a mess without you."

"Well we're together now. Where do you wanna go? I was looking some shit up, Chibs brought me my laptop, and there's so many options Meels. A week, on a beach, having drunken sex with my wife, I can't stop thinking about it."

"Riviera Maya." She mumbled. "Saint Lucia. I don't care at all." Settling a bit, her feet rubbing together as she grew sleepy in his arms. "How often do the nurses and all visit you?"

Juice grinned and tilted her head up for her to face him. "I get one pop in at shift change and that's it. Next one won't be until morning. I'm only here on a technicality so they aren't really worried."

"I'm staying then. I need this."

"Sounds good to me."


"Miss Shawcross?" Her supervisor popped his head in the locker room at half past ten, much later than she should have been arriving, and frowned as he motioned for her to follow him. "I need to speak with you."

"I'm sorry I'm late." She began, shutting the door behind her, and waited for the rant she was sure she'd be getting.

"Have a seat." He gestured to the leather chair across from his desk. "I'm much less concerned with your tardiness this morning than I am with this."

Cautiously she took the paper from him and felt her heart jump start in her chest and thump hard against her ribs. "Shit."

"It would have been nice to know for a few different reasons."

She handed him back the Xeroxed marriage license with a deep frown and bright red cheeks. "I'm sorry. We just got married, I had no idea he'd be thrown in here. I was scared, I didn't want to lose my job. It's not an excuse, I shouldn't have lied, but I didn't do it for any other reason than to see him and keep working."

"Amelia," he sighed. "You're a federal employee, they take these things seriously but you're also a qualified nurse and that is something we have few of, no one wants to work in here not that I blame them. He's gone so I won't pursue it but if he or any of his friends end up back here you have two choices; go to the DOC and tell them so they can transfer you or this magically appears and you're out of a job."

Taken aback and even touched, Amelia smiled timidly and nodded. "I swear that's what I'll do. I'm sorry to have put you in this position. Thank you so much." Hoping to get out fast, before he changed his mind, Amelia gripped the arms of the chair and moved to stand.

"That's not everything."

Freezing halfway up, her mind started to race, she had no idea what else he could want to talk about with her. "Oh, okay."

"We received two letters, threats against you and another nurse." It showed on her face, the fear and surprise, as he explained the situation further. "We take these things very seriously, you'll have someone with you at all times while you're here, to and from work, and posted at your home. There's already an investigation into the entire situation. You'll have to meet with the Marshals before you leave."

"I don't need anyone with me." Protecting Juice was her first thought. She'd much rather have him and the club or pursuing this person than an official entity.

"You don't have a choice. The government protects its employees especially after something like this." The letter was in a plastic evidence bag. Amelia took it with two fingers, as if actually touching it would harm her in some way, and read the words quietly.

"I will make your life a nightmare. I will hurt you. I will hurt your family. This is just the beginning."

"Shit." She whimpered, her bottom lip quivering as her eyes glazed over. "I was attacked last night and I had a letter in my car earlier this week. I didn't think..." She stopped, buried her head in her hands, and officially began to panic.

"Jesus, Amelia, you should have come to me as soon as this started."

"I need to go." She stood, speaking forcefully rather than actually requesting the day off, and headed toward the door. "Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll meet with the investigators. I need today. I'll be safe, I swear. Can we just pretend today didn't happen?"

"I can't." He said apologetically. "You need to meet with them today and the escort starts tomorrow morning. He'll meet you first thing. They're short so someone is coming in from the Northern office."

"Fine." She snapped. "Let's do it now then so I can get home."


Votes and comments are so appreciated! Please let me know what you're thinking!! Thanks for the reads and support! Xox

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