chapter three

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•Tessa's point of view•

The speed of the delorean was raising, I was going about 87 mph when the other car finally couldn't keep up, the delorean sped up one mile...I was going exactly 88 mph when some serious shit happened. The car started to light up, one second we were driving in the mall parking lot and the next we like teleported to a vacant lot. I slammed on the breaks and looked at Marty, "Babe are you okay?" "I-i'm fine...what the fuck just happened?" "I have no idea, but on second thought...where the hell are we?." We both got out of the car and looked around, neither of us knew where we were. I looked at Marty still shocked, "Marty...I think we time traveled," "That's impossible, time travel isn't real," "I think...I think Doc Brown invented time travel." Marty looked at me like I had 12 heads, "Tess I think your going crazy," "Marty listen to me, we are not in 1985 anymore...we time traveled. We need to go find help," "From who?" "I don't know, but we gotta do something." We pushed the car behind some bushes and made our way into the town we were supposedly in, it was dark and cold. We eventually found ourselves at a drive in, when I saw the people my mouth gaped open, I looked at Marty and gasped, "Marty...look at what these people are wearing. These are clothes from like a long time ago," "They are probably having some party," "Will you please take this seriously?" "Trust me I am." I rolled my eyes, I led Marty to these seats and we sat down. I noticed that this movie was an old one, "Marty you see that? This movie came out like 20 years ago," "It's just a re-run." Suddenly this group of boys came and sat behind us, I didn't recognize anyone...well I mean obviously, we time traveled, I just kinda wish Marty would believe me. Then I got a crazy idea, I should talk to one of these boys and ask them what year it is, I turned around and locked eyes with this boy...he had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. The boy looked at me, "Hey are you new around here?" "Uh...kinda. Could you tell me what year it is?" "Are you being serious?" "Trust me I am." He looked at me like I was stupid, "It's 1965," "1965?" "Uh yeah, are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?." I looked at Marty in fear, "Marty do you believe me now? It's 1965," "It can't be." The boy looked at us, "Uh it's 1965 I promise," "Where are we?" "Tulsa, Oklahoma." I looked at him like I had seen a ghost, "Marty were in the same town...just 20 years into the past," "This can't be happening." The other boy's friends noticed us, this boy with brown hair and green eyes eyed us up, "Are y'all new around here?" "Uh...sorta," "What's your name?" "Teresa Jacobs, and this is my boyfriend Marty McFly." A boy with sideburns spoke up, "Why are you guys dressed like that? Y'all look futuristic," "Well we kinda are." The whole group of boys laughed at us, the one with the pretty blue eyes smiled, "Don't mind my friends, anyways I'm Sodapop Curtis." I didn't think I heard him right, no offense but what kinda name is Sodapop. "Uh I like your name," "Most people don't, my father picked it...he liked original names," "I see that." Sodapop introduced Marty and I to the rest of his friends, "So this is my little brother Ponyboy, this is Johnny Cade, him over there is Dallas Winston, the guy next to him is my best friend Steve Randle, and last but not least the guy with the sideburns is Kieth Matthew's...he likes to go by Two-Bit though." Marty and I looked at everyone, "Uh hi guys." They looked at us and didn't say anything, Sodapop looked at me and Marty, "So why do y'all keep asking weird questions?" "Follow us...we will show you."

A couple minutes later, the 6 boys were following us to where we had left the car. We finally made it to the vacant lot and we led them to the car, they all looked at it wide eyed.
Dallas piped up, "What the hell is that?" "A car," "No it ain't, that's like a space missile," "Trust me it's a car," "Where did you get it?" "1985," "What are you talking about? It's 1965," "I know this is gonna sound crazy, and Marty time traveled here through that car," "Quit fucking with us, who put you guys up to this? The socs?" "Socs?." Dally started walking away, "Let's go boys, these people are just screwing with us." They started walking away, but I stepped in front of them, "Here look at my drivers license, it says I was born in 1969...I haven't even been born yet." Sodapop took my license out of my hand and looked at it, "Guy's she's not lying, it does say she was born in 1969." Dallas walked over to him and looked at it, "Soda it's probably fake," "I don't know seems pretty real to me." Dally looked over at Marty, "What about you future boy? Let me see your license." Marty handed him his license, "Well it says here that he was born in 1968," I looked at him and smirked, "See! We're from the future," "I'm still not buying it." I groaned, Ponyboy looked at me and Marty, " who's president in 1985?" "Ronald Regan," "The actor? You've gotta be kidding," "I'm not. Now tell me how I can make you believe that we came from 1985," "Uh I don't know, tell me something big that's happened here in Tulsa," "Uh...I don't know. Marty you got anything?." Marty thought for a second, "Okay so last year for you guys, there was a big tornado that tore your school in half ," "H-holy shit, they are time travelers."
~kass <3

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