chapter sixteen

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•Sodapop's point of view•

Ponyboy, Johnny, and Steve came out of the diner and looked at Tessa and I, I put my head down. Steve came closer to me, "I tried to keep her away Soda," "Steve I said this date idea would be bad...guess I was right," "Sorry, I was just trying to help," "I understand Steve." Tessa looked at everyone, "Do not tell Marty, I have to do it myself...he should hear it from me that I cheated." The boys nodded their heads and we started our walk home, Tessa was quiet the whole way. It was so hard for me that I just had to forget about her, I wanna know how I fell for a girl that I barely even know. We made it back home and walked inside, Dally and Marty looked at us confused. Ponyboy spoke up, "We went to the diner," Dally pierced his eyes at us, "You didn't invite me?." Tess looked at him, "I did, you were too busy to notice that we were going."

•Tessa's point of view•

I knew I had to tell Marty, he was gonna find out eventually and it would be better that he heard it from me then anyone else. I took a deep breath and spoke up, "Marty...can we talk for a minute outside?" "Sure." We went out onto the porch and I looked at him, I felt so guilty and so upset for my actions. I looked at Marty and took a deep breath, "Marty.." "Yeah?" "I-I-I..." "What's up?" "I need to tell you something," "Okay what is it?" "I..." "You
what?." I could not bring myself to say anything, all I had to say was "Marty I cheated on you with Sodapop", but nothing came out of my mouth, I kinda just looked like a deer in headlights. Marty gave me a confused look, "Tessa just tell me," "I...I love you," "Oh well I love you too, is that all you wanted to tell me?" "Yeah." What is wrong with me? Why didn't I tell him? Am I just plain stupid? I just feel so guilty and I don't think I would be able to stand breaking Marty's heart. Marty wrapped his arms around me and sighed, "2 more days and
we will finally be going home," "Yay."

Later that night Marty was asleep on the couch, Ponyboy, Darry, and Sodapop were asleep upstairs and I...I was sitting at the kitchen counter thinking about how much of an awful person I am. Seconds later Sodapop came downstairs and looked at me confused, "What are you doing up?" "I could ask you the same thing," "I couldn't" "Me neither, I'm just so guilty." He sighed and sat down next to me, "It's my fault, I'm really sorry Tessa," "It's not your fault...I just...I really like you and I never should have kissed you. It was wrong, but I don't regret it," "You don't?" "Nope...not at all." He smiled, "I don't regret kissing you either," "Good...why don't we do it again." I leaned forward and our lips immediately attached to one another, he put his hand around my neck and softly kissed me. Seconds later we were interrupted by a voice...Darry's voice, "Guys!!!." We immediately pulled apart and looked at him, "You two need to stop this relationship with one another, y'all are both gonna get hurt in the end," "We's kinda hard though," "Well I will make it nice and simple, stop talking to each other." Sodapop looked at him sadly, "It's not easy Darry, we like each other," "You do realize that she's leaving right?" "Yes, but I still like her." Darry rolled his eyes, "This needs to stop between the two of you, understand?" "Yes." He walked away leaving Soda and I, Soda looked at me with his beautiful eyes, "I don't care what Darry says, there's this dance at the high school tomorrow...I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" "Soda you don't even go to school," "I still go anyways," "But what about Marty?" "They already have plans to go to the drive-in, I'm gonna pretend I'm working, and your gonna pretend your sick," "Sodapop this is so evil of me," "Tessa I just wanna be with you before you go...", "Okay...I will go to the dance with you."

November 4th (Saturday)

I woke up to the bright brilliant sunlight peaking through the living room curtains, Marty was sleeping so peacefully. I know what I'm doing is wrong...and I'm going to regret cheating on Martin McFly for the rest of my life...but I just can't help myself. Sodapop Curtis is just so extraordinary and smart, and kind...I think I'm in love. Seconds later Marty woke up, I laid back down and started fake coughing. Marty sat up and worriedly looked at me, "Tess are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine...just a frog in my throat," "Okay...if your sure." He kissed my cheek and went into the kitchen, phase one complete.

Throughout the day I coughed more and faked sneezed, at around 6:30 Sodapop left for "work"....he obviously wasn't going to work. A few minutes later the rest of the boys were getting ready to go to the drive in, Marty looked at me sadly, "Tess you look sick and you've been acting sick all day, why don't you stay home," "But I'm seriously fine," "Let me stay with you, you don't look so good," "No go have fun...I guess I will stay here," "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" "I'm positive." He kissed my cheek, "I love you Tessa," "I love you too Marty." It hurt to say that because I knew I was lying, Darry decided to go with the the house was empty. After everyone left Soda snuck back inside, he smiled at me, "I'm gonna get ready for the about I meet you there?" "Sounds perfect."

I love this warm weather
~kass <3

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