chapter twenty-two

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•Marty's point of view•

I took care of Doc's house for the rest of the time he was on vacation, when he got back I was ready for the trouble I was going to be in. His cab pulled up, he jumped out excitedly, "Marty!" "...hey," "Why the long face?" "Doc...something happened." He followed me inside to the garage and saw that the time machine was gone, "Marty where is it?" "2020." He looked at me flabbergasted, "W-why? Who has it?" "Tessa." I looked at him with no emotion, "You might wanna sit down."
I explained to him what had happened, he looked at me sadly, "Marty, I told you to not touch anything in the garage," "I know, I tried to stop her. I'm not blaming her though, it's note her fault we started getting chased by some psycho with a gun." Doc stopped in his tracks and looked at me, "Oh my God!" "What?" "It was the Libyans.." "The who?" "The Libyans are national terrorist's," "And they were after us because?" "Because I stole plutonium from them, they must have thought you guys were me." The pieces all started coming back together, "So are you mad?" "I'm furious with you Martin, you knew not to take the time machine out of the garage," "Tess and I didn't know it was a real time machine," "So that changes things?" "'s just, I couldn't say no to her," "Well if you would have then she would still be your girlfriend." It went quiet, Doc and I never fight or argue...but sometimes things change. Doc looked at me apologetically, "Look...I didn't mean it, I'm just upset. Something I worked so hard gone." I felt guilty as hell...I let him down, "I'm really sorry...I really am. We never should have taken it out of the garage," "I get it guys are teenagers, and teenagers do stupid shit...I just wish that I was here to witness it. That time machine was gonna rule the future," "It kinda already did Doc." Doc looked at me with a puzzling glance, "So who's she there with?" "Sodapop Curtis." Doc furrowed his brows, "He's a good guy, good ole 1965 had a lot of good guys," "Yeah, except for those socs," "Right...they were straight from hell," "How come you didn't tell me you used to be a science teacher?" "I didn't think it was important."

•Tessa's point of view•

March 11th, 2020

We appeared in 2020, I looked at the world we were in...i stared in awe. This was some really futuristic shit, Sodapop and I got out and looked around. Our whole world was different, people dressed weird, new cars, new buildings...everything was just so...different. Something wasn't right, anyone out of their homes were wearing over their nose and mouth. I looked at Sodapop confused, "What the hell?" "Maybe we should ask them." We both got out of the car and went up to this lady coming out of a store, she looked at us in disgust, "Excuse me! Where are your masks?" "Uh...we don't have any." Sodapop moved closer to look at her mask and she backed away immediately, "Uh social distancing! You must be 6 feet away from people at all times." She huffed and walked away, I looked at Sodapop, "What the hell is this place?" "I have no idea, it's weird though." We got back into the car, "Alright, so Doc said that when we get here we need to drive to a different state so we don't run into our past selves," "So what state are you choosing?" "I was thinking...Indiana."

Soda and I had been driving for 10 hours, he was asleep in the passenger seat. My anxiety was through the roof, it was hard not knowing what was going to happen next. Yeah, we didn't have much money with us...we didn't have anything. It was going to have to be a new start, it was gonna be hard, but I know if we both try hard enough...we will eventually succeed.

November 6th, 1965

Ponyboy's point of view•

Just last night my whole entire world changed. My brother left 1965 with a girl he barely knows, he was gonna be gone for awhile...or maybe ever. He could easily come back to 1965, but I don't think he wants to. Living here isn't all that great, especially since our parents aren't alive anymore. Sodapop's descent has really made an impact on my oldest brother and the rest of the gang, especially Steve. I woke up around 9 AM and went downstairs, Darry was sitting at the kitchen table. He looked up at me and sighed, "Pony do you think I made the right decision by letting him go?" "Well...yeah, you love him and to show that you let him leave us," "I am just kinda thinking it was a bad idea..." "It wasn't Darry, trust me it wasn't." Darry and I don't really see eye to eye on most things, and usually Sodapop was our peace maker, but without him here it's probably gonna be like WW1 between Darry and I.

three years later

June 8th, 1988

•Marty's point of view•

It's been three years since my Teresa Jacobs left 1985, it's been three years since I've seen her. I am currently 20 years old...and living my dream, I wanted to be a rock star and that's kinda what happened. I'm a guitarist for a cover band, yeah it's not some famous band...but at least it's something. I bet your wondering what happened with Tessa not coming back, well let me tell you what happened. Doc had to explain to her family what happened, they didn't believe him. There wasn't a way to really prove what happened to her, we just had to hope they would eventually believe us. Teresa's sister, Scarlet, was the only person who believed us. She believed that her sister time traveled to 2020, and Scarlet believed if Tessa ever came back she could prove to her parents that Doc Brown was telling the truth this whole time.
i like ice cream
~kass <3

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