chapter nineteen

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•Marty's point of view•

I looked at the boys unamused, "How could you not find a way to tell me? It was simple, all you had to do was say something,." They looked at me like they were all thinking the same thing, finally Ponyboy said something that changed my opinion on all of them, "We didn't wanna rat Sodapop out...he's my brother and he's like a brother to the rest of the guys, we seriously would have told you, but none of us could rat Sodapop out like that." I thought about how loyal these boys are, I mean obviously not to me, but that's different. They were all very loyal to someone they cared about, it totally changed what I thought about every single one of them.

•Tessa's point of view•

Doc looked at me like I had six heads, "Teresa you want to go to the future?" "Uh you said somewheres where we both can't already be alive, so if we go far enough into the future than we won't see our past or future selves," "You do understand you would have to leave home forever right?" "Of course I understand that," "What about your boy toy? Would he wanna leave his brothers?" After Doc said that I froze, Sodapop would never want to leave his brothers...they are all he has left, so I had to make one of the hardest choices of my life. I had to make the decision to leave 1965 with Marty and go live my original life in 1985, I looked at Doc and sighed, "Never-mind, I will go home," "Are you sure?" "...yeah."

I got back to the Curtis house and glumly walked inside, the boys looked up at me. I sighed and asked where Soda was...he was in his room probably avoiding Marty. I went upstairs and went into his room, he was looking at the ceiling, "Hey..," "Hey! So did you find a way?" "Uh...sadly no. It looks like I have to go back to 1985 tomorrow," "Oh..." "I tried to find a way Sodapop, it's just not possible," "I understand." I just stood there trying not to cry, I didn't wanna leave...I love him. After I thought about how much I'm going to miss him, I started to cry. He quickly got up and came over to me, "Tess it's gonna be okay, you will always have me in your heart...I know it's not the same, but it's the closest thing," "Soda I can't leave you, your the only person that understands me for who I am..." "I know, I don't want you to leave either." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, I tightly hugged him as I sobbed into his chest.

The next day, November 5th (Sunday)

Today is my last day in Tulsa, 1965. Damn it hurt to say those words, at 11:06 tonight a bolt of lighting is gonna send Marty and I back to 1985. My agenda for today is spending most of the day with Sodapop, when he woke up we both got ready and got out of the house. It's hard not making any eye contact with Marty, but I'm getting through it. Soda and I decided to get breakfast at the Dingo, luckily the waitress that hates me wasn't working. As we waited for our breakfast Sodapop looked at me sadly, "Are you alright Tess?" "Just sad...that's all," "Yeah, me too," "Soda when I leave please forget about me," "What?!?! I could never, your the girl of my dreams," "No. I'm some stupid girl who cheated on her boyfriend," "That was my fault, I knew you had a boyfriend...but I didn't care," "I bet you regret ever talking to me," "No...I don't regret anything, I'm glad I did what I did...I'm just mad at myself for hurting Marty," "What is he gonna tell his parents? He's probably gonna tell everyone that I cheated on him and then everyone in 1985 will think differently about me, what will my parents say?" "Marty's a good person, I doubt he will do that." Sodapop's right, Marty is a good person, but nothing stops Martin McFly from getting revenge. A few moments later Cherry walked in, "Well look who it is! The cousins that kissed each other," "Go to hell Cherry," "Okay! When I get there I will save you a seat," "Wow your so funny." She glared at me, "Listen just because you got caught being a slut doesn't mean you get to blame me," "I'm not blaming you, and I'm not a slut," "Oh so kissing a boy while you have a boyfriend doesn't make you a slut?" "Will you just leave me alone?" "Your just trying to avoid realizing that all you are is a slut, Teresa The Slut Jacobs." I jumped out of my seat and faced her, "Why don't you mind your own business? You have no right to tell me what I am," "Well actually you need to learn your place here, your just some weird girl from the future that became a hoe, so if what I am calling you is true then yes I do have a right." I restrained myself from choking Cherry, I took a deep breath and sat back down. I have already made so many mistakes in the past week that I don't wanna make anymore, Cherry got bored and walked away. Sodapop looked at me concerned, "Don't let her get to you, your not a slut," "Yes I am, she's right. I am a slut," "No...everyone makes mistakes," "So your saying that I made a mistake for cheating on Marty?" "Yes and no, Yes because you hurt him, no because you did it for me."  This was all super confusing, the choice I made was stupid...I obviously wasn't able to end up with Soda so cheating on Marty was worthless. I should have just told Marty the situation, but instead I did him dirty.
ima fail my regents
~kass <3

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