chapter twenty-one

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•Sodapop's point of view•

Tess and the boys went into a diner for a late snack, I stayed and helped Doc set up the car. He noticed I was quiet, "Why the long face Sodapop?" "I just wish there was a way Tess and I could be together," "Did she not talk to you?" "Talk to me about what?" "The future." I looked at him confused, "Was she supposed to?" "Well no, but I thought she would. There is a way for you guys to not have to leave each other. It's going to the future," "Why didn't she tell me this?" "She thought you wouldn't wanna leave your brothers, but I thought maybe she would ask."

•Tessa's point of view•

It was 10:30, I was in a diner slurping a milkshake with the boys when Sodapop rushed in. He looked at me with a straight face, "How come you didn't tell me there was a way?" "...oh shit, Doc told you," "Well at least someone did because obviously you weren't," "I didn't wanna ask Soda, what was I supposed to say? Come live with me in the future and leave your whole life behind?" "Uh yeah?" "I couldn't ask you to leave your brothers behind," "I would have considered, I love you Tessa, I would do anything to try and be with you." I looked at him sadly, "I didn't wanna make you chose between your brothers and me." He looked at me with his vibrant blue eyes, then he looked at his brothers and sighed, "If I have a chance to be with you Tessa...then I want to take it," "But you can't leave are all they have left," "Right...and I know if they really love me then they will let me go with the future." Darry and Ponyboy looked at one another and then at Sodapop, Darry rubbed his temples, "Your sure this is what you want Soda?" "Trust me is," "Then...go live your life with future girl." I looked at Darry shocked, how could he be so willing to let his brother run off with some chick? I shortly realized that Darry was doing it out of love, this was his way of showing Sodapop that he loved him.

I dragged the boys out of the diner and went up to Doc, " would Soda and I get to the future?" "Wait! You guys are going?" "Yeah..." "That's great, but let me tell you how this is going to work, you guys are all going back to 1985. You are going to get more plutonium when you get there...and your gonna go to 2020," "Why 2020?" "You will both be dead or very old, so there won't be any chance of you guys seeing your past selves," "Doc in 2020 I will only be 51," "Well...when you get there, go to a different state...then you won't see your past self," ", so we're just gonna take the time machine?" "Yeah..." "But yourself from 1985 is gonna be pissed," "Trust me, I will get over it." I looked at the clock and realized it was 11:00...exactly. We had 6 minutes to leave 1965, or else we were stuck here. Sodapop said goodbye to his brothers and his friends, Marty and I said our goodbyes and then it was time. This time Marty decided to drive, which I didn't think was a bad idea. Marty got into the drivers seat and Soda and I got into the passenger side, Doc had connect the pole to the  Delorean and it was actually time. Marty backed the car up so we had enough room to get to 88 MPH, at exactly 11:03 we started speeding down the street getting closer and closer to 88 MPH. At exactly 11:04 a bolt of lighting struck the clock tower sending enough power down the power line, as we drove under the power line the metal pole on the car caught the electricity...and it sent us home. Doc had set the car so that we would go back to the exact same day and time we left 1985.

October 26th 1985

As we went through flashing lights, we came clear and hit the theater. It wasn't that hard of a hit so we all survived, Sodapop looked at Marty and I, "Did we make it?." Marty backed the car up and opened the door, he looked around and smiled, "Guy's we made it to 1985!." Sodapop and I got out, Soda looked around in awe, "So this is what Tulsa looks like in 1985!?!?" "'s changed," "No doubt about that." We all got back into the car and Marty drove to Doc's house, I put the extra plutonium in the trunk. We all awkwardly stood there until Marty cleared his throat, "Are you not gonna say goodbye to your parents and your sister?" "'s better to not have to say goodbye," "I get it, if you ever wanna come always can," "True." We stood there just looking at each other until he wrapped his arms around me, "I'm gonna miss you Tessa...I really am," "Me too Marty." Marty looked at Sodapop, "No hard feelings man?" "No...not at all." They shook hands, Soda and I started heading to the car when I remembered something. I turned around, "Marty...please don't give up on your guitar," "For you Tessa, I won't." I smiled at him and rushed over and kissed his cheek, "I will always love you Martin McFly," "I will always love you too Teresa Jacobs." I smiled and got into the drivers seat of the car, I would obviously let Sodapop drive, but he doesn't know how to drive an automatic.  I pulled out of Docs driveway and got onto the street, I set the time travel to March 11th, 2020. Don't even ask why I chose that date, I backed up and started speeding up...we eventually made it to 88 MPH.
~kass <3

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