chapter twenty-five

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•Marty's point of view•

We were all sitting in the garage when Doc spoke up, "Uh do any of you guys want hot chocolate?." Almost immediately we all raised our hands, Doc looked at me and winked, "Okay! Why don't you all follow me inside, but Marty could you please pick up the garage a little," "What? Why?" "Could you please do it, it will only take a minute," "Ugh fine!" "Actually Tess could you help him out, it won't take that long if you help out." Tess smiled, "Yeah, no problem!." Everyone else followed Doc inside, leaving me and Tessa. She started to clean up while I just stood there waiting to find the right time to talk, I finally found the right time, "Hey Tess?" "What's up?" "Can we talk?" "Yeah, what's going on?" "Remember when we were dating?" "How could I forget?" "Well I just wanted to say sorry..." "Sorry?" "I'm sorry that I never realized that you felt out of place, I never noticed that you felt like we didn't belong because I was more popular," "Oh...don't worry about it, it's over with now."
I looked at her apologetically, "Tess I'm really sorry, maybe if I would have realized it sooner then we would still be together," "Don't think like that, we just weren't for each other it's my fault...I never should have cheated on you. I just didn't wanna hurt you, but I obviously hurt you worse," "It's fine Tess...I should have seen it coming, he's better for you then I am." She looked at me sadly, "Marty...I still love you, I think I always will. You were my first love, and I just want you to will always be in my heart no matter what year I'm in," "That means a lot Tess, I don't think I will ever stop loving you...your the one that got away." She grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes, "Have you dated anyone else since we split?" "Nah, I can't," "Why not?" "Because I'm still not over you yet's like my heart still belongs to you," "Martin...I want you to get over me, it's no use for you to still want me...what we had is over." Over. Tessa was right...we are over, so why am I still not done thinking about her yet?
Maybe a part in me thought I still had a chance with Teresa Jacobs, but I obviously don't. She's happier with her husband, ew! saying that gives me chills. I was supposed to be Tessa's husband, but calling someone else her husband just seems...wrong.

•Scarlet's point of view•

I was inside with Sodapop, baby Jake, and Doc. I knew what Doc's plan was, he wanted Tessa and Marty alone so they could talk...but I have no idea what they needed to talk about. Sodapop looked over at me with his bright blue eyes glimmering, " you think your parents liked me?" "Definitely, they are just confused with all this time traveling stuff," "Trust me so am I, it's kinda weird how it works...but I like that you can go pretty much anywhere you want," "Where are you going next?" "1965...where I'm originally from, we're going to visit my brothers," "You have brothers!?!" "Yeah...2 of them, a younger one and an older one," "Please tell me they have interesting names like you," "Well only the younger one does, his name is Ponyboy," "Wow! That's such a fascinating name," "I guess, my oldest brother is the only one with a normal name, his name is Darell...but we call him Darry," "That's really cool, I'm glad your going to see them, I bet they miss you." He looked at me sadly, but after 2 seconds he wiped that sad look right off his face.

•Tessa's point of view•

I was sitting in the garage with Marty, when I knew I needed to try something. I looked at Marty, "I know this is weird and wrong, but I need to kiss you," "Kiss me? Aren't you married?" "Well yeah, but I need to make sure I didn't make a mistake," "Mistake?." I didn't say anything, I moved closer and pressed my lips against his...and after a few seconds I knew I really didn't love Martin McFly anymore. I pulled away and he looked at me with questioning eyes, "So...did you make a mistake?" ", your not the one Marty."
He sighed, "I knew it...I guess were not meant to be...we were never meant to be," "Marty when we were younger we were meant to be, but when we got to 16 and 17 things changed," "I guess your right," "Will you promise me something?" "Yeah, anything," "Find someone to spend the rest of your life with," "I can't make any guarantees."

About 30 minutes was time. Sodapop and I said goodbye to Doc, Marty, and Scarlet. My sister wrapped her arms around me, "Tess don't forget about me," "Trust me...I won't," "Your my best friend," "Your my best friend too." I let go and got into the delorean with Sodapop and our baby, our next destination was 1965.
~kass <3

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