chapter nine

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•Tessa's point of view•

We made it to the Dingo after our little walk, the waitress seated us. She obviously recognized the boys, but when she laid eyes on me she furrowed her brows, "Who are you?" "Uh my name is Tessa," "Why are you with these nice boys? A girl like you shouldn't be on this side of town," "Oh I'm not a-." She didn't let me finish, "Let me guess, couldn't get any dick on the other side of town so you strolled to this side and your planning to manipulate these sweet angelic boys...shame on you," "What? That's not it at all," "Save it. Sluts aren't aloud around here, find your way back home." She walked away leaving all of us shocked, I looked at the greasers, "Is she usually this bitchy?", Steve spoke, "Uh no not really," "Great." After a few minutes she came back and took everyone else's order, but mine, "Excuse me waitress, you forgot about me," "I already told you, I don't serve sluts." I glared at her, "Listen bitch I don't want a lot to eat, so please just serve me," "What did you just call me?" "You heard," "If you are gonna use that kind of language I will have to go get Marvin, my manager," "Fine...I'm sorry," "What can I get for you?" "I will have a banana split, with extra fucking cherries." She looked at me appalled, "Alright your done, Marvin!," "Yeah go get Marvin, see if Marvin can make a banana split for me, you fucking cunt." Her eyes went wide, the boys looked at me shocked. I got up and yelled to the back of the diner, "Bye Marvin!!."

•Sodapop's point of view•

I followed Tessa outside, she was walking away. I caught up with her, "So...that was quite the display back there," "She called me a slut," "I'm sorry...she's bad at identifying Socs," "Do I really look like some snobby bitch that is trying to manipulate boys?" "Definitely not, you look nothing like that. You look sweet and kind...and pretty."

•Tessa's point of view•

There is that word again, pretty...he keeps calling me pretty. I didn't know what to say in response so I grabbed his hand, a few seconds later Two-Bit rushed up to us. He glanced at us, "Are you guys holding hands?" "What? No!." Me and Soda stopped holding hands, Soda looked at Two-Bit, "What's up Two-Bit?" "Oh I just wanted to tell you that your food made it to the table," "Alright thanks, I will be back in a minute." Two-Bit walked away and Soda turned to me, "Do you wanna go to the mall tomorrow...just with me?" "Yeah sure! That would be fun," "Alright, are you coming back inside?" "No...that waitress hates me, I'm gonna head back to your place," "Okay, we will see you in a bit."

•Marty's point of view•

The boys and I were walking back when Steve opened his mouth, "So Marty, what's up with you and Tess? Y'all have been angry at each other like all afternoon," "We got into a little argument, she's pissed off at me," "Well did you try and talk to her?" "Nope, I bet she won't talk to me." Two-Bit looked at Sodapop and then at me, "Well guess what I saw?!?! Tess and Soda were holding hands outside." Sodapop nudged him, "No you didn't Two-Bit...we weren't holding hands," "Yes you were." Sodapop looked at me, "Uh I will catch up with you guys later...I forgot something at work." He walked away, Dally fell into step with me, "See what did I tell ya? Soda likes Tess, you better be careful...they have been close lately," "Sodapop's a good guy I guess, he wouldn't try to take my girlfriend would he?" "Don't be surprised when he does."

•Tessa's point of view•

The boys eventually got home, after an hour Steve, Dally, Johnny, and Two-Bit went home. Ponyboy went upstairs with Sodapop, which left me with Marty. He looked at me with his icy baby blue eyes, "Teresa we need to talk,"
"About?" "You holding hands with Sodapop."
Fuck. Two-Bit must have said something, "It was nothing," "A girl just doesn't hold hands with a guy for no reason," "Yeah well I had a reason," "What was the reason?." I had no good reason, I held Sodapop's hand because I like when he calls me I decided to lie to my boyfriend. "Well Sodapop was talking about his late parents and I felt I held his hand to comfort him," "Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't know," "It's okay," "Are we still fighting?" "Yep, have fun sleeping on the floor."

October 31st (Tuesday)

I woke up earlier then Marty, he was fast asleep on the floor. What I did was kinda bitchy, but I am still mad at him for what he pulled at the DX station...even though I have no reason to be mad. He was just trying to be a good boyfriend, and I was a basic bitch and held hands with a different boy...what is wrong with me. I got ready and Sodapop came downstairs, "Mornin Tess, did lover boy sleep on the floor?" "Uh yeah, we're not on good terms still," "Oh I'm sorry," "It's whatever anyways...I was thinking we should leave for the mall, now," "Right now?" "Uh yeah, we don't wanna hit traffic," "Alright whatever you say." We went outside to Sodapop's truck and we started driving, it took about 30 minutes to get to the was a comfortable silence, then Soda spoke, " come you held my hand yesterday?" "Uh...I honestly have no idea, I'm sorry that I did," "No it's no big deal, I just don't want your boyfriend to get the wrong idea...but he already did when Two-Bit mentioned yesterday on the walk home," "I'm sorry that I did wasn't right," "I think it was...I liked it."
~kass <3

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