chapter eighteen

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•Marty's point of view•

I slammed into Doc's house and he looked at me confused, "Marty! What's up?" "I just wanted to make sure this machine is gonna work to get us home," "It long as the lighting happens and according to your girlfriend it will," "She's not my girlfriend anymore," "Why? What happened?" "She...she cheated on me." He stopped what he was doing and looked at me sadly, "With who?" "Sodapop Curtis," "I..I'm very sorry Marty. If I'm being completely honest she seemed like a very loyal girl to me," "That's what I thought...I never thought she would do this to me," "I didn't think so either, but what about when you return to 1985? She won't be able to see Sodapop as a young 16 year old boy," "And?" "What I'm getting at is she made a mistake, but maybe you can give her a second chance," "Doc I don't think you understand, she's in love with him...she doesn't deserve a second chance."

•Tessa's point of view•

When Sodapop and I got back from the dance everyone was at the Curtis house except Marty, I looked at everyone ashamed, "I know I fucked up...I feel awful, I really do." Nobody really said anything, finally a minute later Darry spoke up,
"Everything happens for a reason...and I know you feel bad, but in the end none of this will matter. Your going back to 1985 and you are gonna forget about us," "No I won' guys have changed my life," "Teresa it's over, your not gonna ever see 16 year old Sodapop again..all your gonna see is 36 year old Soda," "It will still be him...maybe he won't remember me, maybe he will be married and have kids, and maybe he will move away, but Sodapop Curtis is the boy I'm in love with...and I can't just forget about him." The boys looked at me like I was insane...except Sodapop, "Tess I love you, but I don't want you to waste your time crying over me...when you get back to 1985 find a decent boy," "No! The only decent boy I want," "It's not possible Tess, tomorrow you leave and...I will never see you again," "Yes you will," "Yeah, but as like a 36 year old," "It would still be you though wouldn't it?." He sighed and I stood up, "I will be right back," "Where are you going?" "To find a way."

I quickly ran to Doc's house and frantically rang the doorbell, Doc opened the door a tiny bit frazzled, "Teresa?" "Doc we need to talk," "If you came to talk about you and Marty I already know, he was here 15 minutes ago telling me about your guys sob story," "It's not about that..." "Before you begin, what on earth possessed you to cheat on your boyfriend," "I don't was a bad idea...and I feel awful, but anyways we really need to talk." We sat down on his couch, "Doc I'm not going," "Not going?" "I'm not going back to 1985," "But you have to, you can't stay here forever!" "Why not?" "Because this isn't your time kid, your 20 years ahead of all of us here," "So?" "You know too much, it would just mess with everything " "Can you please please please try and find a way...I love this boy," "You barely know him, kid you don't know what love is," "Yes I do! What I feel for Sodapop is love. So can you please try and find a way?" "I will see what I can do kid."

About an hour later I was sitting in Doc's living room while he supposedly thought about another solution, "Teresa I'm sorry, but there is no solution," "Can't he just come with us?" "He's 20 years behind you, if he went then he would see himself as a 36 year old could mess with time," "There's gotta be a way," "There is only one way, if you time traveled everyday to come and see him...that's the only way," "Why can't I stay?" "Because as you get older you would see your younger self...there would be two of you. If you stayed and kept getting older by the time 1985 rolled around then you would be 36 and your 1985 self would be 16...the whole space time continuum would be messed up," "What if we lived in a time period when neither of us would be alive?, like the 1800's for example," "I mean it would work, but neither of you would survive in the 1800's. So I'm sorry to say, but you gotta go home Teresa." I looked him dead in the eye, "Send us to the future."

•Marty's point of view•

I got back to the Curtis house after my visit with Doc, the boys were all sitting in the living room. Dally looked at my sympathetically, "I'm really sorry man...I really am," "I just don't get what's so much better about him then me, she used to be crazy about me...I guess not anymore," "Things like this happen and I'm sorry it happened to you...I really am," "When I first met Tessa it was like love at first sight, she looked at me with her beautiful bright brown eyes and smiled. I knew she was the one, she made me so happy and made me feel like I could do anything, the popular boys had everything...except her...nobody had her except me and now I guess I lost that too." The boys looked at me sadly, I looked at them sternly, "I knew this was gonna happen, I knew that if we stayed with you guys she was gonna fall for one." Two-Bit piped up, "We never wanted that to happen to you," "Then why didn't any of you tell me about this? You all knew about and it and no one could tell me that my girlfriend was cheating on me?." They all stayed quiet until
Darry spoke, "We wanted to tell you, we just didn't know how."

i suck at writing lol

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