chapter twenty-six

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June 30th, 1968

•Ponyboy's point of view•

It's been three years since my brother left, it's been so damn hard around here. Darry has been way harder on me, but that's only because he's worried about Sodapop. I'm currently 17 years old, this up coming semester is my senior year..I'm kinda excited to get out of school. I decided that I want to be a writer, Darry thinks it's a waste of time, but if Soda was here he would totally support me. Sodapop always supported me, with basically everything...I just wish he was around. His best friend Steve has been a wreck without him, it's been hard for him. Anyway's today is a basic Saturday, all us greasers decided to hang out at the lot and play football. Dally, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, and even Darry showed up at the lot to play football. We were all running around playing when suddenly a flashing light appeared and an object came into sight with smoke following along, I realized it was the time machine. The boys and I all looked at each other with hopeful faces, the doors swung open and out they came. My brother and Tessa, plus a baby, stepped out of the delorean. Sodapop's eyes lit up when he saw all of us, "Hey boys! Long time no see?." I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he looked at me shocked, "Wow Pony! Look at you! Your...your all grown
up," "So are you!." I stepped back and let the boys say hi to Soda, Darry was so relieved that
Soda was doing alright. We looked over at Tessa, she was holding the baby. I spoke up, "So Soda...who's the kid?" "Oh...that's your nephew, Jake Curtis." I looked at Sodapop in shock as he handed me the baby, "This is your son?" "Yeah!."

•Tessa's point of view•

I watched in joy as the boys swarmed over baby Jake, they were in awe. I never realized it, but I really missed these boys. We all went to the Curtis house to catch up, I could tell Ponyboy was happy that Sodapop was was Steve. I kept thinking about how Sodapop left his life here for me, I felt so guilty. The boys went into the kitchen to have some chocolate cake, I stayed in the living room and thought about the guilt I was dealing with. Seconds later Sodapop came up to me, "Hey beautiful, what's wrong?" "I feel guilty," "About?" "About you leaving your life here, you left everything and everyone that you love." Sodapop took my hand and looked at me sympathetically, "Teresa...I love you, I left my life here by choice. I chose to leave, and I chose to leave because I love you...I wanted to be with you," "I just feel like I forced you to leave," "You didn't, it was my choice Tess." He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes, he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. Soda took his other hand and cupped my cheek, he leaned forward and kissed me deeply. Steve walked into the room and stopped dead in his tracks, "Ew! You guy's still do that shit?!?." He didn't get a response because Sodapop and I were still kissing, we didn't care that he was in the room...all we cared about at that moment was, each other. Steve pretended to gag, "Y'all are so gross! Please break up this madness!." But were we listening to Steve Randle? Uh, No! We could care less about what he was saying, we just continued our little make out session. Seconds later Darry came into the room, "Sodapop are you coming- Oh uh...sorry, I didn't know you were...occupied." I pulled away from Soda and looked at Darry, "Sorry about that...we were just...catching up," "Oh I see...anyways cake is in the kitchen."

•Sodapop's point of view•
8:00 PM

Tessa was inside the house asleep with our son
Jake right by her side, the boys all went to the drive-in. They wanted me to come, but I couldn't. Now that I'm married and have a son it's hard to just leave, I've learned that. I was sitting on the front porch with my thoughts when Darry came outside, he sat down next to me, "So...glad to be home?" "Yeah, I've missed it here," "We've missed you." I looked at Darry seriously, "I know I made the right decision by leaving home with Tessa, but do you think I made the right decision?" "Definitely, you did what made you happy," "Yeah, but...I left my brothers here to fend for themselves," "We survived Soda, we're doing just fine." I nodded my head and looked out into the night, then I decided to ask him something that's been on my mind, " you think Tessa and I are really in love?" "Of course I do! Why do you ask?" "Well it's just weird how we fell into love with out even knowing each other," "Love happens like that, and I do think what you and Tessa have is true love...I really do."

•Tessa's point of view•

I woke up the next day wrapped in Sodapop's arms, we were in his old nostalgic?!? I sat up and looked at my husband, he was just gorgeous. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I ended up with Sodapop Curtis, a few minutes later he woke up. He sat up and looked at me, before he could say anything I spoke, "I love you," "I love you more," "I'm not so sure about that...I think I love you more." Instead of saying anything back, he pressed his lips against mine. Seconds later the door slammed open, Steve came in holding our son with Two-Bit and Dally close behind. Steve chuckled, "Are you guys always making out?" "Not always."

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