chapter seven

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•Marty's point of view•

When I left earlier this morning...I wasn't planning on hanging out with Steve or Dally, I went on a walk to clear my head and then I ran into them. I told them about how I feel about the relationship between Tess and Sodapop, Steve said I had nothing to worry about...but Dally said he thinks Sodapop might gain feelings for her...what did we get into?

•Tessa's point of view•

Later that day I went on a walk with Two-Bit and Ponyboy, they wanted to go to the store. When we walked in this red head girl came up to us, "Ponyboy! I see you have a new girlfriend already," "She's not my girlfriend Cherry," "Well who is she then?." I stuck my hand out for her to shake it, "Teresa Jacobs, and you are?" "Sherri Valance, but people call me Cherry," "People call me Tessa." She eyed me up, "So are you new around here?" "Uh kinda...I'm Ponyboy's cousin," "Pony I didn't know you had any cousins," he looked at her nervously, "Uh yeah I do." She looked me up and down, "So where are you from?" "Uh...California," "I come you have never come to Tulsa before?" "I don't know." She rolled her eyes and looked at Ponyboy, "So I guess I will see you around Pony?" "Uh yeah sure." She strutted away leaving me with Pony and Two-Bit, I looked at Ponyboy, "Ex girlfriend?" "Yup," "She seems like a bitch," "She is, that's what I get for dating a soc," "Yeah socs don't seem great," "They aren't, anyways I guess we're cousins now," "I panicked and randomly said that," "So what about Marty, if people ask what do we say?" "That...he's Two-Bit's cousin, are you okay with that Two?" "Yeah it ain't a problem." After the store we started walking home, with our luck we ran into king soc and his group. He eyed me up, "So we meet again," "I guess so," "Are you gonna tell me your name this time?" "Nope." He put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer, Ponyboy and Two-Bit went to move forward to get him off of me, but Bob's friends grabbed them. He looked into my eyes, "What's your name beautiful?" "Tessa Jacobs..." "Where are you from Tessa?" "California...I'm just visiting here, I'm Ponyboy's cousin," "What about the other guy? Is he your boyfriend?" "No...he's Two-Bit's cousin," "I see. Maybe sometime this week we could hang out at the drive in or something," "What if I don't want to?" "Why wouldn't you wanna hang with me? I'm fucking awesome!" "Yeah keep telling yourself that," "Woah feisty! I like that about girls." He rubbed his arm up against my side, I was so uncomfortable. I couldn't get myself free, he leaned in close and I could feel his breath on my neck...he whispered in my ear, "If you ever wanna have a good time, you know where to find me." He let go of me and walked away, his friends let go of Pony and Two-Bit. I was disgusted, Ponyboy looked at me worried, "Are you alright?" "I'm fine, just disgusted by the way he touched me," "If he does it again I will have Dally break his fingers."

After a short walk, we made it home. We walked inside, Soda and Steve were playing cards, Marty was talking to Dally, and Johnny was watching tv. They all looked up when we walked in, Soda looked at us, "So how was the store?" "Interesting," "Why's that?" "Well Pony's ex girlfriend was there." Sodapop smirked, "Oh your old lover was there Ponyboy! How did that go?" Ponyboy shrugged his shoulders, "It went fine, but i forgot to mention...we told Cherry that Tessa is our cousin and that Marty is Two-Bit's cousin." Everyone looked shocked, Dally spoke up, "Why would you tell her that?" "Tessa panicked that's what she said." Everyone nodded their heads, Sodapop looked at the three of us, "Anything else exciting happen?" "Well...I wouldn't consider it exciting," "What happened?." Pony and Two-Bit looked at I finally spoke, "Well...Bob grabbed me by my neck and rubbed his hand up my side, then he told me that if I wanted to have a good time...I knew where to find him." Marty stood up, "Where is he? I will beat the shit out of him for touching my girl," Dally put his hand on his shoulder, "Hold your horses future boy, no one is beating up Bob Sheldon," "Why not? He touched my girl," "I know, but you cannot fight offense, but you will lose," "What's that supposed to mean?" "Marty your no match for Bob Sheldon," "You wanna bet?." Marty stormed out of the house and slammed the door, I hesitantly followed him.

•Marty's point of view•

I went outside and sat down onto the porch, I was so furious. Dally acted like I couldn't fight my own battles, he made me sound weak. Tessa came outside and sat down next to me, "Marty...are you okay?" "No Tess...I'm not okay. Dally made me sound like a weak idiot,"
"Don't worry about what he thinks," "I don't get it, all I wanted was to defend you...some guy touched you," "It's not a big deal," "Yes it is Tessa!." I turned away from her, she sighed, "'s really okay, it's not a big deal," "Tessa knowing that a guy has his hands all over you makes me furious," "Don't worry, he won't do it again."

•Sodapop's point of view•

Tessa and Marty just disappeared outside, I turned to Dally, "Really man? You had to say that?" "I was just saying the truth, have you seen that guy's arms...they are like noodles," "Well you didn't have to say that to his face." He shrugged his shoulders, Steve looked at me, "Soda do you like Tessa?" "What! No...I hate her." My heart knew I was lying.

~kass <3

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