chapter seventeen

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•Tessa's point of view•

At around 7:00 Sodapop left for the dance, it took me about an half an hour to get ready so by the time I left the house it was 7:30. When I showed up to the high school, the gym was decorated beautifully, Sodapop noticed me from the other side of the gym right away. He came up to me, "You look...beautiful," " look good too," "Not as good as you though." I smiled and he awkwardly stood there, "Soda do you wanna dance?" "I'm not really a dancer," "Oh cmon! You can do it."

•Marty's point of view•

When we got to the drive in it was jam packed full of people, the boys were all irritated. Two-Bit spoke up, "Hey let's go down to that dance at the high school instead," Dally looked at him sternly, "And why would we do that?" "Uh free music, food, and drinks," "Okay I see your point."

A little while later we made it to the school, it was decorated pretty nicely. We walked into the gym and people were slow dancing with one another, the boys and I stood off to the side and watched everyone. About two minutes later Steve noticed something, "Is that Sodapop? He's supposed to be working." I looked in the direction he was looking and saw Sodapop dancing...with my Teresa Jacobs. My heart broke into two pieces, Dally looked at me sadly, "Uh we're so sorry man...we had no idea," "Yeah okay, I'm sure some of you knew." Ponyboy and Johnny sheepishly raised their hands, "We knew...but we promised Tessa we wouldn't say anything." I looked at them in disbelief, I looked back at Tessa and Soda and they...they fucking kissed. I marched right out to them, "What the fuck is this?" Tessa looked at me in shock, "Marty?!? What are you doing here?" "The better question is, what are you doing here? I thought you were sick," "Well...I was-." I immediately cut her off, "Save it, your such a liar. Your supposed to be my girlfriend and I find you dancing with another guy...what's wrong with you?." She looked at me guilty, I turned to face Sodapop, "What the hell man? You stole my girlfriend...the one thing I had that no one else had and now you have that too. Your a real sick person," "Marty I didn't mean-." Before he could even finish his sentence I punched him square in the face, Tessa looked at me, "Martin Seamus McFly what's wrong with you?" "ME? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU TESSA?." Everyone in the gym stopped and stared at us, "How could you do this to me? I take care of you and respect you and treat you right and this is how you treat me? You cheat on me with a boy from a different decade," "I didn't mean for it to happen," "Well how did it happen? Huh?" "I-I don't know...I just sorta," "Sorta what?" "Nevermind," "Just say it Teresa," "I'm good," "SAY IT!" "I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM." The whole gym went silent, I looked at her heartbroken, "Y-your in love with him?" "...I never meant for this to happen, I'm sorry," "I thought you loved tell me you love me, is that just a lie?" "No, I did love you...I really did Marty...but I...I fell for someone else," "You barely even know him!" "That's not true, I know that Sodapop Curtis is one of the most sweetest boy in Tulsa, he has these dreamy blue eyes, he cares about his brothers, and he cares" I looked at her disgusted, "Tessa you were my first love...I thought you were the one, obviously I just didn't realize what a backstabbing cheating little bitch you are." Sodapop looked at me angrily, "Don't talk to her like that man, you wanna know something? You are just like a soc all you care about is if your liked, I bet in 1985 you are one of the popular boys that's got girls after him and you like it that way, you probably like all the attention, your an attention whore" "That's not true! I care about other things too," "Well if you did how come your girlfriend is in love with me? You obviously fucked up the relationship somewheres," "Go to hell. If you want that little slut so bad then you can have her." Well maybe I shouldn't have called her a slut because the next thing that happened probably wasn't one of my best moments, Sodapop punched me and I punched him back, we started fighting immediately. Things we're getting pretty tense until Two-Bit and Dally broke us up.

•Tessa's point of view•

I looked at the boys in disbelief, "Enough!! I know I fucked up...I know I did, but fighting isn't gonna solve anything." The boys looked at me ashamed, they both had blood spilling from their lips. Marty angrily looked at me, "Do whatever you want Teresa, just know this relationship is over, when we get back to 1985...I'm never talking to you again." He walked away leaving me in the dust, everyone in the gym started whispering to one another. I looked at all of them, "Uh sorry that we ruined the dance, just forget any of this happened." I quickly walked out of the gym with tears immensely spilling from my eyes, when I got outside Sodapop had caught up to me, "Tessa...are you alright?" "I-I'm fine." He looked at me sadly, "I'm so sorry...I never should have taken you from him, it's all my fault," "No it's not, I shouldn't have cheated on him," "Things will get better once you get home," "No they won' won't be there." He smiled at me, "I wish you didn't have to leave," "I wish I didn't have to either," "So...did you really mean what you said, do you actually love me?" "...Yes, I love you Sodapop Curtis."
~kass <3

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