Chapter One

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Chapter OneNew kid


I woke up and tried to roll over, but there was something in the way. I opened my eyes and saw Tay sleeping on her stomach beside me. Don't worry, she had her clothes on. She's straight, I'm gay. End of discussion. I poked her side and she frowned.

"Ten more minutes, of fifteen, or a couple hours..." She trailed off, drifting back to la la land.

"As much as I'd love to let my best friend sleep, we both have school, now get your white ass out of my bed." I pushed her and she fell to the floor.

"Hey! I was sleeping!"

"And now you're not, simple as that." I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes. "Aw, come on, you know you love me."

She snorts. "You wish, Viccy." She teased, using the nickname that I hate. I threw a pillow at her.

"Unless you wanna see me get dressed, ya better grab your crap and go to the bathroom."
"No! Please keep the gay covered until I'm out of the room! My poor, innocent eyes!"

"Innocent? Wow, you're really funny, Tay. No go! I want to get dressed today." I start to take my shorts off and she yelps before running out. I laugh.

She's my best friend and we've both seen each other naked, we just joke around because at school, people act like the 'gay' is contagious. Really, at least not everyone is homophobic. My other best friends, Tony Perry and Jaime Preciado are cool, and my brother, Mike, is awesome. My mom supports me and Tay, well, Tay is Tay.

I finished getting dressed and open my door. I stop to check the bathroom for Tay, she's not there. I head down stairs and freeze. Tay and Mike are on the couch, making out like there's no tomorrow. I gag and they jump apart.

"Uh, hey, Vic, didn't hear you come down stairs, uh, hi." Mike stutters.

I fall to the floor. "Nooo! My best friend and my brother- just no! No no no no! Can't you guys be straight with other people? My eyes! I'll never see again!" I roll over and press my face into the carpet. Tay laughs and my moms door opens.

"Victor? What is with all of this yelling? And why are on the floor? Are you sick?" She nudges me with her foot.

"Nooo, I'm blind! My eyes are unclean. Father forgive me, for I have sinned!" I weakly make a crucifix with my fingers behind my back.

"Do I even want to know what he's talking about, Mike?"

"N-no, he's j-just rambling. Ignore him." Mike stutters again and I can practically hear ma rolling her eyes.

"I walked down the stairs and Mike and Tay were sharing saliva on the couch!"

"Fucking snitch!" Mike yells.

"Michael! Watch your language! And now I see why Vic is blind. I would be to. Come on, let's get you three to school." Ma pulls on my arm halfheartedly.

I get up and smack Mike and Tay on the back of their heads. "Don't forget to use protection!" I yell before sprinting out the door. I hear Mike running after me, threatening to do unpleasant things to my lower region.

I stop at the bus stop and he tackles me. He pins me to the ground and sits on me.

"Help! Help! Gay abuse! He's abusing the queer, help me!" I hear Jaime and Tony laughing. "Dicks! Are you just gonna stand there? He's killing me!" I cough and Mike smacks me.

"Yeah, this is way too funy." I see Jaime taking pictures.

"I swear to god, Jay-me, if those end up anywhere public, I'll ship your Mexican ass to China town!" He laughs before pushing Mike off.

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