Chapter Twelve

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Chapter twelve - No Regrets

Song of the chapter-Crucify Me by Bring Me The Horizon

Jaime's P.O.V.

I had grabbed my stuff and ran, leaving Oli to talk to Ben. We were so stupid! Ben had a fuc.king key! And I had been there for over twenty four hours. I pulled on !y jacket and dialed Vic's number.

"Jaime! Where the hell have you been?! Mike almost died! You know what that means? He almost left us, for good." I stopped.

"What? Why didn't anyone call me!? Or text!"

"We did! I don't know where you've been, but unless you have a dam.n good excuse, don't bother showing up anytime soon." He hung up and I slammed my fist against the wall.

I checked my phone, no missed cals or texts. Nothing. What the hell? I pushed off the wall and headed in the general direction o the Fuentes household.

I took me about an hour, but I got there in one peace. I didn't hesitate to go in, they were family. No one was in the living room, so I went upstairs. I knocked ofn Vic's door before opening it.

Tony, Tay, Kellin, and Vic were sitting around. Well, Tony and Tay were sitting around, Kellin was sitting on Vic who was sitting on his bed. I raised my eyebrows and Tony glared at me.

I groaned. "You too? Guys, I checked my phone, I have no missed calls or texts. I would have replied, you know that!" His glare lessened.

"But we did call you. We did text you. I personally left you a fuc.king voice mail! It was about one in the morning when I did it." I blushed deeply.

"O-oh, I was coin something, but I checked! I did not get one single text or call."

They looked at me.

"First off, I think you did someone, not something. Second, we left countless calls and texts." Kellin said calmly.

"Well I do know what happened to them, they're not there." I pulled out my phone, unlocked it, and tossed it to Tony.

He looked through my call and text log.

"That's crazy, unless someone deleted the history, then they would be here." He handed it back to me.


Vic's P.O.V.

"Oliver." Jaime looked pissed.

"What about Oli?" I asked. We had never had a problem with him, he had never bothered us. He seemed pretty cool.

Jaime blushed. "Oh, I get it." Kellin said from my lap.

"Doesn't he have a boyfriend?" I questioned, catching on.

"Uh, I might have been a side how for, like, the past month."

"What!? I thought you were straight!" Jenna yelled.

"Yeah, so did I, until we started going to this new school." He said, hanging his head.

"We're okay with that, we just are kind of, you know, surprised?" Tony said.

"Yeah, and so that's what you've been coin or the past week? Hooking up with Oliver Sykes?" He nodded.

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