Chapter Eight

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Chapter eight - Back In Black and Blue

Song of the chapter- November by Sleeping With Sirens

Vic's P.O.V.

I left the hospital, crying silently. My mom hugged me in the waiting room, sensing that it had gone bad.

"It's okay, it will be okay." She led me out into the parking lot and to the car.

We drove home and I immediately went to my room, ignoring Tony, Jaime, and Mike. I closed and locked my door, sliding down until I hit the ground, bring my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I buried my head in my arms and cried as quietly as I could. I would have to go back to school tomorrow, the police had spoken with the principal and I was allowed to return, by on a zero tolerance policy. It was only seven, by I crawled into me bed, fully clothed, and shut out the world.

I tried to fall asleep, but failed. The next time I looked at my clock, it was midnight. I plugged my phone into the charger a grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a Blink-182 t-shirt, socks, and boxers. I took a quick shower and dried off.

After changing, I we back to my room a grabbed my phone, my bag, and a beanie. I checked the clock again, twelve fifteen. I snuck downstairs and out he door, heading in the general direction of town. I passed Kellin's house, not even looking, and Jaime's and Tony's. I ended up at a gas station, paying for a monster energy drink and slipping it into my backpack. I left and continued towards town, stopping at Walmart. I browsed the aisles, just looking. I stopped in the arts and crafts section, getting an idea. I grabbed some supplies and checked out, adding them to my bag as well. I walked all the way to school, walking to the football feild and bleachers. I sat down and grabbed the sketch book I had purchased, along with an assortment of pencils and chalks. I started on the first page and got to work.

Six hours later, Mr. Way showed up and saw me out here. He walked over slowly.

"Vic? What are you doing here? You have an hour before busses arrive."

"I know, I just needed to get away. Could I come to your room? It's getting a little cold."

"Sure, but only today. I don't want this becoming a habit." I nodded and we walked inside.

I yawned and remembered the drink of heaven in my bag, quickly pulling it out and popping the cap. I downed half of it in one chug, setting it down and burping. Mr. Way laughed. I pulled out the sketch book and flipped to where I was, over halfway through it. I left the rest blank and pulled out another sketch book, drawing a burning building.

Time Lapse

All week, I had been drawing and writing. I wrote poems and drew random things. Mike even complimented me, saying that they were good. They may be so, but not as good as who they were for.

On Friday, I went to his locker with a little taped dispenser and got to work. I lined the walls with pictures and layered the shelves with poems. I set the little book on the middle shelf and put a clean one under it. I set a foldable easel on the bottom with and assortment of paints and pastels. Last but not least, I put a note on the door, the flyers in the hallway inspired it, but everything else was my own.

Jaime's P.O.V.

We watched Vic do nothing but draw and write. All. Week. Long. He completely ignored us, burying his head in sketch books and paper.

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