Author's Note *IMPORTANT*

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Hey, so my cousin and I, @zennbruh, will be sharing this account to work on either our Jalex or our Cashby. We'll work on both, but you, my followers or random readers, get to decide which one we focus on. This will not go on hold, I love Kellic to much for that, but we need your input. And there's another thing, you can ask me questions on this, the plot, the characters, and myself. I think I'm gonna do a separate 'story' that'll be Q&A on my stories and me. And @zennbruh, you can ask about anything and we'll answer on there.

You can give us ideas and we might start a story on it. I'm also gonna start a one shots collection and based on your opinions and votes, may turn some of them into whole stories or something. Okay, and which do you ship more, Perrecaido or Perrentes? I fucking Cruise line Perrentes, but yeah. Anywhore, ily! Please, please, please read and vote on our Jalex and Cashby! And any of you are welcome to design covers for my stories. I'd appreciate it.

Bai, stay adorable!

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