Chapter Nine

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Chapter nine - Self Medicate

Song of the chapter- You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by My Chemical Romance

Tony's P.O.V.

I like Mike.

I have for a while, but it never really hit me how much I like him. I love him. Sitting in the living room of my house, joint in hand, I realized how much I truly love him. I cried, which quickly turned to giggles, I mean, I'm high, of course. I guess it's pretty sad, getting high by yourself, but really, I didn't want to be around anyone, except the one that couldn't be around. It does matter what the doctors say, unless thee happens to be a donor available in time, Mike's gone. We all know that.

Jaime has been curled up on the couch at Vic's for the past five days. Vic is always at the hospital, either with Mike or Kellin. Kellin, by the way, his injuries were worse than we thought, he'd be in there for at least two weeks. Mike was talking and laughing, he tried to tell us not to worry, but when he started coughing, you knew that he was bad. You could hear water in his lungs, he was drowning from he inside.

Tay, Tay was almost as bad as me. She hadn't said a word since it happened, she can't even visit him. We all went the other day, and she broke down outside his oor. Vic took her home because he's always there anyways.

I was lifting the join to my lips when someone knocked on the door.

"Hello?" I asked, opening it. Fuck the smoke, I'm depressed.

"Tone, hey- What the hell!? You've been smoking! God, Tony!" Vic pushed past me, closing the door, and opened the kitchen window, pointing a fan at it. "You're going to get yourself arrested!"

I shugged my shoulders. "And? I'll be in prison, Jaime and Tay will be at a mental institution, you'll be married to Kells, and Mike will be in the ground." He walked up to me and slapped me.

"Tony Perry. Get your Mexican ass upstairs and take a cold shower while I make coffee. You're going to sober up and visit my brother. You're he only person he's been asking for, and you're busy toking up." He solved me towards the stairs and I numbly followed his instructions.

When he cold water hit my back, I gasped, then realizing what's going on in full, I sank to  the floor and let the cold water wash over me.

"Tony! Open the fucking door!" Vic was banging on the door and I realized I must've zoned out.

I turned the water off and stepped out. I looked in the mirror and saw that my lips  were blue. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I opened the door.

"Tony, you were in thee for thirty minutes, are you okay?" Whith that simple question, I broke down for their at time since he first went tro the hospital.

I fell to the floor and put my head in my hands, gasping for breath. Vic turned and ran down the hallway, returning with boxers and sweatpants. He handed them to me and tuned around.

"Two minutes to get dressed or I'm dressing you." I pulled on the clothing and leaned against the wall.

"I love him, Vic." I whispered.

He turned around. "W-what? Did you just say-"

"Yes! Yes, I did... I said that I love your little brother. I'm as gay as you are!" I slammed my head back against the wall and groaned.

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