Chapter Four

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Chapter four - Lucky Little Shits part one

Song of the chapter- Hospital For Souls

Kellin's P.O.V.

Someone grabs my hands away from my ears and yells at me. I can't really hear them over my own thought, and my es are still closed.

They slap me and I open my eyes, it's Vic fucking Fuentes.

"Kellin! We have to get out of here!" I look behind him and grab his hand, pulling him farther from the door.

"What are yo-"

"It's too late to get out." I grab his hand again as he turns to see what I see.

Flames heading straight for the chemicals. We both dead sprint to the very back of the room and crouch being a desk.


The desk flies back, taking bus with it.

I feel pieces of hot glass sting my face, arms, and legs, before slamming against the wall. I look over at Vic and see a gash across his forehead. The desk is on top of us, and the fire is still burning.

I wiggle out from under, helping him, and look at the damage. Its not to bad, the walls and floor a blackened, and the ceiling

Shit, the ceiling.

It's cracking and bending.

It's about to break.

Vic follows my eyes and gasps.

"We're fucked."

Vic's P.O.V.

"We're fucked." The words barley leave my mouth before the ceiling groans and shifts.

"V-Vic? I-I'm sorry. I-if I had l-left with the o-others, we'd be safe. Y-you should have l-left me h-here and s-saved y-yourself." I shake my head.

"Hell no. I'm not leaving my friend to burn alive. We're getting bout of here if it's the-"

"Don't say that! You'll fucking jinx it!" I laugh until the roof creaks again.

"So, either we're going to be miraculously saved, or we sit here until the ceiling caves in and kills us?" He nods.

"Pretty much."

I'm thinking when my phone goes off.

My phone.


"VIC!? Are you okay? The lab exploded! The building is coming down! The firemen aren't here yet! What are you doing!?"

"Tony! I was getting Kellin! I know the lab exploded, I'm in it."


"I would if I could, b-but Tone? You're right, t-the ceiling is c-caving. I-if anything happens. T-tell Mike and my mom and Jaime that I love them. And I love you too, Tony." I realize that I might die. I will probably die.

Tony must realize this too, because all I hear is a choked sob. "I love you too, Vic, but y-you have to g-get out. W-what are we going do without you?" I can hear the tears in his voice.

"You're going live."

A/N I am so so immensely sorry! I cried while writing this. There will be a part two, don't worry. I'm still crying, wow, don't kill me, just wait. Bye! Ily kittens!

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