Chapter Six

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Chapter six - Over You

Song of the chapter- Thorns && Roses by CatchingYourClouds

Vic's P.O.V.

Kellin was ignoring me. That, and he was wearing bracelets, I'm worried. Maybe I shouldn't have blocked him out yesterday. I felt bad, but it hurt seeing Matty kiss him so casually like that. It made me, dare I say it, jealous. I'd wished that I could do that, but I'm okay now, I just hope that Kellin is too.

When we get to school, I follow him to his locker, and then to our first hour class, where I sit with him in the back. He sighs.

"What do you want, Vic?"

"Why are you wearing bracelets?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. He pales.

"I felt like wearing them today, is that a crime, Vic?" He lied easily.

"No, but lying should be." I grabbed his arm and turned I over. I could faintly see the red, irritated skin under the bracelets, but it was there.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Why?" I ask.

"Because I felt like it." He snaps, yanking his arm back to himself.


"Like you even care, why don't you just go hang out with your other friends. You don't have to fucking pity my, Vic." He pit his earbuds in and I could faintly hear his music playing. I sighed.

        I know that you're pissed at me, and you would be. It was a dick move for me to leave you alone all day yesterday. I'm sorry, and it kills me to see you hurting yourself. You're allowed to be mad, and angry, and sad, and pissed, hell, you can be high, but please, please, please, don't cut. Don't hurt yourself in anyway. Please.


I waited till the bell rang, then dropped the note on his desk, skipping second hour in the bathroom.

I sat in there, against the wall, trying not to cry. God, why are things so fucking complicated?

I end up skipping the resof the day in there, just sitting. When someone started to walk towards that bathroom, I'd hide in a stall until they left. At the end of the day, I put my earbuds in and waited in Jaime's car. So!some got in, I thought it was Tony, so I didn't do anything. Not until they wrapped their arms around me.

I looked over t see a black-haired head, crying quietly on my shoulder, I put my arms around him and one of my earbuds fell out. Maybe not so quietly.

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