Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven - Sexicans Revenge

Song of the chapter-We Like It Loud by Sleeping With Sirens

Vic's P.O.V.

On Monday morning, I didn't say one word. Not to my mom, not to Tony, not to Jaime. I put my earbuds in and blasted the volume. When we pulled into school, the guys tried to start a conversation, but I just got out and walked towards the school.

I got to the junior hallway and saw Ashley standing in front of someone. Ashley saw me and his eyes widened. He tried to get whoever was in front of him to move, but they didn't. They pushed Ashley aside and I saw who it was.

Andy Beirsack.

I walked towards him and he opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with a punch to the jaw.

"What the hell, Victoria!? Who do you think you are?!" He held his jaw in shock, not pain.

"I could ask the same for you!" I did the same I had to Ashley, I kicked him in the dick and punched him in the throat. "He was in the hospital!" I screamed at him. He was on the round now, I was kicking him and cursing him in Spanish. I hadn't realized what was happening, I just kicked a kicked and kicked.

I was yelling unintelligible curses and profanities in English and Spanish, I was down on my knees, punching him, I couldn't see, I was still screaming and kicking when Mr. Way and Mr. Iero pulled me off of him. I was still struggling when they put me in the back of a police car. But by the time we arrived at the station, I was just crying, curled up under the fiberglass bench. I didn't fight when they hauled me out, I couldn't even walk.

I looked at my hands and saw blood on my knuckles. I looked down and saw it on my shoes. My legs completely gave out and I shook. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't believe, I had blacked out. I'm done. I'm done.

Tony's P.O.V. (A/N remember last time it was from Tony's P.O.V.?)

We watched Vic beat Andy. We understood what he said in Spanish.

You worthless little shit! Why would you take advantage of someone so defenseless!? What is wrong with you!?

Rot in hell! He almost died! I hope you never sleep again! How can you live with yourself!?

Then the teachers hauled Vic away and paramedics hauled Andy away. He was unconscious and Vic was screaming. Teachers tried to get us to calm down, but there was to much tension and the bloody hallway didn't help. School was cancelled and Jaime drove us to the police station.

We walked in and I immediately saw Vic, crying and handcuffed to a bench. He was slumped over, like he had given up.

"Vic! Andy was unconscious, but he's okay now. I doubt he'll press charges, but you do have assault on your hands." He didn't react, just kept crying.

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