Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter thirteen - Let's Paint This City Black

Song of the chapter- Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody.

Vic's P.O.V.

I shot straight off the couch. "What!? What happened!?" I didn't wait for an answer, I pushed past her and went straight the car.

I stopped when I realized I didn't know where to go. I looked back at the door and heard my mom say 'hospital'. That was enough for me. The car was still running and I jumped in, heading straight for the hoapiotal.

When I got there, I asked for Taylor Jardine at the front desk and ran straight to her room. When I got there, a doctor stopped me,

"I'm sorry, sir, Miss Jardine's stomach is being pumped, we can't allow you in there at the moment."

"Bullshit!" I turned and paced the hallway, tugging at my hair.

I paced for what seemed like hours, and when the doctor said I ouldinally see her, I rushed in.

She was laying on the bed, eyes closed, with an oxygen mask on. She was hooked up with IVs and a heart moniter and all kinds of things.

"T-Tay?" Her eyes fluttered and she looked over at me.

"Hey, Viccy." She said softly.

"What happened? Why are you in here?" She frowned a little, her eye watering.

"I-I walked in on Tony and Mike. I was going to visit Mike, and he and Tony were-" She choked off, but I understood what she was getting at.

I walked over and gave her a hug, before turning and walking out of her room, straight to the cancer ward.

I pushed open Mike's door to see him and Tony kissing on his bed.

"Tony, out." I growled.

He did as I said and Mike looked at me like he was annoyed.

"Do you know Tay is? Do you know why she is where she is?" He frowned and shook his had.

"Tay is in a hospital bed. She overdosed. Because she walked in on you and Tony. Your girlfriend, my best friend, walked in on you making out with someone."

His jaw dropped.

"W-what? I d-didn't know tha-"

"Of course you didn't fucking know!" I screamed at him. "You know what? You fucking deserve this disease! I hope you-"

"Shut the up! I didn't know that sh would walk in!"

"That doesn't fuc.king matter! What matters is that you were cheating on your girlfriend! Still cheating! What is Tony? Your damn side whore? I love him to death, but do you have a fuc.king brain!? You need to get your sit straight, or I swear, when you get out of here, you're going right back in, permanently." I turned and walked back into the hallway, pausinto glare at Tony.

"I hope you heard every word I just said to him, because the same goes for you. Get your fuc.king it together before you wreck somebody's life." With that, I turned and walked away, not looking back.

When I got back to my house, Kellin was sitting in the living room with my mom. They both jumped up when I walked in the door.

My mom got to me first. "What happened? Is she okay?"

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