Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter fifteenDem White Boyz

Song of the chapter- Lead Me Out Of The Dark by Crow The Empire

Vic's P.O.V.

When I got back, the front door was open.

Scratch that, when I got home, the front door was broken.

I looked around and spotted a police cruiser parked next door. I ran over and asked what happened.

"Your friend was hiding under your bed when we got there. He said that his father had broken in and was lookin for him. You might want to head down to the station to get him and sort some other things out." I thanked him and ran back to my moms car, pulling out and heading to the station.

I went inside and saw Kellin curled up on one of the benches, e same one I sat on when I beat up Andy. I went over and put a hand on his shoulder.

He jumoped and looked up at me fearfully before it registered who I was. His eyes welled up and he wrapped his arm around me, the one that wasn't handcuffed to the bench.

I hugged him quickly before pulling away.

"Why are you handcuffed?" He shrugged his shoulders, not looking like he was quite able to speak.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I walked to the nearest officer at a desk.

"Why is my friend handcuffed? His father broke into my house, he was in danger." The man looked at me and smiled.

"We just needed to make sure that your friend had permission to be there. Here." He stood up and walked over to Kellin, unlocking the cuffs and stepping back. "You're free to go, have a nice afternoon." Kellin didn't move.

I sigd and stepped forward, picking him up bridal style. I thanked the officer and walked out, settling him in the passenger seat and buckling him in.

I started the car and froze. Kellin probably didn't want to go back to my place, his mom is out of the question, I turned and drove towards Tony's.

Once we got there, I parked and looked at Kellin.

He had his knees pulled up to his chat and his head resting on them, staring straight ahead.

"Kells...." He looked over at me blankly.

"Yes?" He whispered.

"Are you....?" I trailed off, hoping he could hear everything I couldn't say.

He nodded his head and unbuckled the seat. I followed suit and soon we were both standing at Tony's door. I knocked twice. Then again.

No answer.

I sighed and lifted uphe welcome mat, grabbing the spare key. I unlocked to house an gestured for Kellin to follow me in.

After he was seated on the couch with a glass of water, I dialed Tony's number.

"Hello?" He answered on the second ring.

"Some stuff happened, me and Kellin are at your place, eating your food, sleeping on your weed couch. You don't need to stop whatever you're doing, but we're here."

"Okay, I'll see you later then."

I hung up and looked back at Kellin. He was just staring off into space again. I sat next to him and he leaned into me.

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