Chapter Ten

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Chapter ten - Get Wild!

Song of the chapter- P.L.U.R. by Blood On The Dance Floor

Kellin's P.O.V.

I've skipped a week of school successfully. Vic stopped asking and just stopped by every afternoon. Jaime brought me my homework, but I never did it. I was way to high to focus. I felt like I was on cloud nine, though I was careful, I remembered what Vic had said about his friend Gabe.

I hadn't heard from Tony or Tay, they were both messed up over Mike. Vic was too, but he hid it really well. He smiled and laughed, but the smiles never reached his eyes anymore, and his laughed were dull and lifeless.

When he showed up Friday, and took the joint out of my hands for a hit, I was surprised, but I didn't stop him. We passed it back and forth, giggling every now and then, not really saying anything. After it was gon, I went to open my window so the room would air out, but he grabbed my arm. His eye were dialated to the point that there was no visible brown, just an inky, lustful black. He pulled me to him and sat me on his lap.

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back, his eyes darting down to my lips and leaning forward. I met him in between and we kissed. That's the last thing I remember.

I wake up wrapped in someones arms. I look up and we a sleeping Vic.


How'd he get into my bed? I think back to last night and realize it's still cloudy in myt room, but lessening. I make the mistake of looking towards the door and seeing someone standing there. My mom.

Jaime's P.O.V.


"O-Oli, n-no. You have a-a boyfri-" He cut me off by kissing me harshly.

Oliver Scott Sykes was my dirty little secret, and I his.

"I don't bloody care. Ben cheats on me all the time." He grinded against me, eliciting a gasp.

I gave up and wrapped my legs around his stomach, kissing him back. He licked my lip, but I didn't let him in. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall, causing me to gasp again. This time he took advantage of that, slipping his tongue into my mouth before I could stop him.

His hands slid up my shirt and I helped him slip it off. I did the same with his shirt and he moved his lips to my neck. I moaned when he hit a sweet spot and he enthusiastically kissed it harder.

I pit my hands on his chest and pushed away, falling when I unwrapped my legs from him.

"Bloody hell!? Why'd ya do 'at?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't feel good." I grabbed my shirt and ran from the room.

We had been at his house, so I ran straight out the door and down the street, still shirtless. I stopped and turned down an alley, leaning against the wall.

"Fuck!" I yelled, hitting the bricks behind me. I winced when I saw the blood, not at breaking the skin. It hadn't hurt, nothing hurt lately, everything was one, big, numb feeling.

That's why I pushed Oli away. I'm scared shitless at the thought of feeling something. I really like Oli, honestly, but I don't want to escape the numbness and security of nothing. It hurts to feel. I sighed and pushed off of the wall, heading back over there. I knew that my mom would be upset if I came home so early.

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