Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen - Making Up Is Hard To Do

Song of the chapter-Parasites by Sleeping With Sirens

A/N This was way better, but it for deleted, so sorry for crappiness.

Vic's P.O.V.

It had been about a mont since Tay's 'incident', I made up with Mike after what seemed like forever and he was still the same. Cancer wise, I mean.

Tay was good, she dumped Mike and made up with both him and Tony. She was back at school, we dragged Tony out of his marijuana induced funk and he was pretty good after talking to Tay.

School went on as normal, teachers stopped asking about Mike, people stopped looking at us sympathetically. Everything was good.

Too bad good things never last.

We all piled into Jaime's car on a Tuesday morning, ready to go to school. Monday had been, well, Monday, nothing particularly bad happened, but it was a Monday, so it sucked.

We pulled up to school and got out, going our separate ways for lockers, meeting with other friends, and classes.

I dropped Kellin off at our class and hurried to my locker to grab my textbook. I was closing my locker when I ared some people whispering.

"You know that Fuentes kid that's in the hospital? I told my mom about him and she said that that's what the stupid border jumpers get. She thinks that our school shouldn't have let the Mexicans go to school here."

I did see who it was, but I clentched my hands. That's the one thing Andy and his group didn't touch- racism.

I walked back to class and sat in my usual place in the back of the room, behind Tony, in between Kellin and Jaime. I ignored all three of them and took notes for the class.

This is how the entire day went, and worse. Now that I knew people were talking about it, I heard every racist comment that was said. Every joke, every insult, everything.

I didn't eat at lunch, I his in the library and put my earbuds in.

After school, we all went to my house. They all played on out Xbox while I sat in the chair and scribbled in a notebook.

I was so zoned pit that I didn't notice when Tony and Jaime left. I jumped when Kellin put a hand on my shoulder. He smiled lightly and tugged on my arm.

"You are going to go take a nice hot shower, then tell me what's wrong." I sighed and got up, following him as he went upstairs.

He ran into our room and grabbed a clean pair of boxers and some Batman pajama bottoms.

"No shirt?" I asked.

"Nope, now go take a shower." He shoved me into the bathroom and I did as I was told.

When I got back out, he was sittinon the bed, writing in his notebook. He hadn't seen me yet, so I got my phone and opened up the camera.

"Kells." I whispered, snapping the picture right after he looked up.

"Hey! I hate pictures, either delete it or let me take one of you." He picked up his phone threateningly.

"Okay," I dropped my stuff and held my arms out. "I'm not ashamed." He smiled and took a picture.

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