Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven - Attack! Attack!

Song of the chapter- The End by My Chemical Romance

Vic's P.O.V.

I was pressed up against Kellin an my mom bust the door open. Our intamite position didn't faze her one bit.

"Mike's back in the ICU." I moved away from Kellin.

"What? What happened!?"

"Tony was helping him get some exercise and he collapsed in the hallway. Fluid was filling his lungs and he passed out."

I didn't say anything, just grabbed Kellin's hand and rand down stairs after my mother. We piled into her car and drove to the hospital.

When we got there I saw Tony sitting in the waiting room, his head in his hands and shoulders shaking. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He jumped, but relaxed into me.

"He j-just fell.. I d-didn't know w-what to d-do." He cried into my shoulder.

I patted his back. "It's okay, Tony, there's nothing you could've done." He cried harder.

We were sitting there, all of us, when someone burst in. Tay.

"Vic! I'm s-so sorry! I should've b-been here! Is h-he going to b-be okay?" She asked shakily, coming to us.

"We don't know, but where have you been? You're my best friend and my brothers boyfriend. What the hell?" I snapped, immediately regretting it. "I didn't mean the, I'm sorry."

It's okay, we're all upset." She said quietly.

"Fuentes?" A doctor called, all five of us stood up. "Come with me please." We all followed the doctors back to the ICU.

"We have good news and bad news. Your son, brother, and friend is stabilized. But he's worse than we thought. We don't have any full donors lined up, and he said that he'd rather wait until he can get both lungs. Being a minor, it is up to you on whether or not he gets one or no transplants. The transplant could save his life, but there is the possibility that the new lung could become cancerous. Ms Fuentes? This is up to you." The doctor looked at my mom.

She took a deep breath. "Give him the transplant. I do not care how much it costs or how longitude takes. You save my baby." She had spoken steadily and the doctor nodded his head.

"Okay, we'll go right into surgery while you go to the front desk and ask for transplant papers. Tell them that you need to fill them out immediately." My mom nods her had and we go back to the waiting room.

We follow her and sit down while she writes and Mike's life hangs in the balance.

Mike's P.O.V.

I'm sitting on a cloud.

I'm dead serious, I have no idea what's going on, I remember Tony yelling for help, then I woke up here. I've just sat here for the past hour or so, but I'm not bored. That tells me something is wrong. I have a shorter attention span than a five year old, but I've been content for the past hour doing absolutely nothing.

I look around andreeze when my eyes fall on someone familiar. Someone very familiar. Someone who is also dead.

Gabrial Barham.

Kellin's P.O.V.

We've sat in this stupid waiting room for the past hour. No one has come out to say anything. Not a single peep. Vic was talking quietly with Tay and Tony was still crying. Ms Fuentes was still filling out papers and Mike was still being operated on.

Time was inching by slowly, but at the same time, it was gone too fast. It was torturous waiting. I was thinking about music when the doctor came out again, he was smiling.

"Mike is unconscious, but that's from the amnesia. The surgery we well and hopefully the chemotherapy will work now." We all jumped up and hugged the doctor, all of us crying with joy.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Vic and his mom repeated over and over.

"With a new lung, he is more susceptible to infection, so we will call you when it is safe to visit him, but it miuhht be best for you to go home and rest." We reluctantly agreed and after paperwork was tuned in, piled back into the car, heading to the now happy Fuentes house.

A/N Nope, this isn't the end. Chapters three and four are in my works in a story called restricted parts. I'm sorry that this is so short, but I hope it was good. Ily, bai kittens!

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