Chapter Sixteen-FINAL

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Chapter sixteen - The Crappiest Chapter You Have Ever Read

Song of the chapter-Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance

Nobody's P.O.V.

Vic got stuff for Kellin and him to take to Tony's house. Clothes, phones and charges, and Kellin's notebook.

He was driving back to Tony's when a black sedan whipped out from around the corner and rammed into him.

His moms car flew through the air, then he was falling.

And falling.

And falling.

And falling.


Tony was playing video games in his living room, sitting next to Kellin on the couch. Kellin was just staring blankly at the TV, not watching the game, just zoned out.

Tony groaned as he died for the fifth time in a row. He sighed and turned the TV off, looking at the clock.

"It's almost two you's, where's Vic?" He asked out loud, not expecting an answer.

He got one.

Someone knocked on the door, jolting Kellin out of his trance. He looked fearfully to Tony, his wide eyes scared.

Tony pushed Kellin into the kitchen and calmly opened the door.

A police officer was standing there, a grim look on his face.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Mike's P.O.V.

My mom was sitting in a chair next to my bed when a doctor rushed in.

"Ms. Fuentes, younson, Vic was just in a car accident, we need you to fill out some paperwork."



"Wh-what? What happened? Is he alright?" She jumped up as if poked.

"He was sent into emergency surgery, we won't know anything for at least an hour. I'm not going to lie t you, he's not in good condition." My mom shook, and then composed herself.

"Okay, I'll fill out the paperwork." The left the room.

I was frozen. My brother, my little big brother, was in emergency surgery, and it didn't look good. The boy who held our mom together when our father left, who didn't show her the tears he shed that night, who cooked for me when she worked late, who helped me with my homework, was worse off than me right now.

I was overcome with sadness, then anger.

Our mother raised us to be religious, to trust God. Why would God do this? Why would he take our father, then Gabe, then give me cancer, let everything with Kellin happen, and now this? What did we do to deserve this? Why?

I felt tears sting my eyes and I squeezed them shut, willing Vic to be okay.

He has to be, he has to.

Vic's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and saw the park. Our town has a small park by the elementary school.

But it was wrong. The trees were bare, and there was no one around. Thee were always people at the park, no matter the weather or time.

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