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Credit: Star-road18 on Tumbler.


Boyfriend's POV:

Ugh...I kind of hate my life at the moment. Rapping is getting more boring, day by day. Plus, Girlfriend is acting pretty strange. Whenever I want to hang out, she always says something like "I'm busy" or whatever lame-ass excuse it is that day. I love her, I really do but, this is starting to get ridiculous. I want to talk to her about this, but I never get the chance to. 

Today Girlfriend told me "I got you another rapping appointment, the usual spot at 8:00 pm, today." I'm kind of dreading it, but maybe it will be interesting Idk.

8:00 pm:

I was there at the usual sport on the dot. I was rapping against a guy named, whatever. While I was doing what I do, I notice that Girlfriend is texting someone and laughing a lot. I realized that this isn't the first time she has done this. I'm not usually the jealous type, but considering I was already in a bad mood this made it worse.  After the rounds, I asked her who she was texting the whole time. "It's no one you should worry about, it's just one of my friends." she semi-sung with the fakest smile I've ever seen. "If you insist, I love you babe." after that, she left and told me "See you tomorrow! I love you too!" I waved goodbye as she got in her car and drove off. My smile slowly fades into a frown as she drives down the lightly lit street. 

I decided to further investigate.

I went to the best people I know for spy work, Skid and Pump. "Hey guys, I have a secret mission for both of you," I sneakily whispered to raise their interest. Pump and Skid yelled "YES!!!!!." I smiled. "What is the mission about," Skid asked while tilting his head. "Girlfriend has been acting very strange, she's always on her phone talking to someone. I would like it if you both tried to find out what is is very sneakily." The look on their faces told me they were sold. 

Skid stated seriously, "Ok great, so we will find out her phone password and look for this someone." I was very happy "Yes, that will be gr-." I could barely finish my sentence when Pump chimed in. "But, you have to give us a lot of candy when we are done!!!!" He practically yelled, beaming with excitement. "Yes, yes whatever you want." I felt like I was hiring an assassin. "No twisters though" they both screamed. While plugging my ears I said "Fine, just get me the info asap, ok?" I made sure to be very clear. "Ok Sargent ." they both saluted making me kind of irritated. As they both walked away Skid looked at me evilly and said "My favorite candy is the pumpkin-shaped Reese's cups."

As I was laying on my bed, I sighed when my girlfriend texted me.

Girlfriend: "Hey babe!! How are you!" 

"What a rare occurrence," I said annoyed, but putting on an act anyway.

Boyfriend: "Today been good! That rap battle was really fun!"

This was so fake it made me cringe. Girlfriend didn't seem to be suspicious though.

Girlfriend: "Great!!! In two days you have a rapping appointment with a guy named Pico. Usual spot at 9:00 pm" 

Why is that name familiar? Eh, it's probably nothing. Plus, 9:00 pm?? That's kind of late.

Boyfriend: "Great, I can't wait!! Good night, I love you!!"

Girlfriend: "Awesome! I love you too, gn and sd!"

I put my phone away, I'm pretty sure she checked up on me because I got suspicious of her today. Whatever I have my little spies. I happily go to bed and awaited my fate, or more accurately her fate.

I woke up at 11:00 Am, I should probably text the kids and see what they have found out.

3 hours earlier, Pump's POV:

I got up and sped to me and Skid's normal meeting place. "Hay Pump!" Skid yelled when I got there. "I did something sneaky," He said putting a finger to his mouth. "OHH What did you do!!" I screamed excitedly. "Nothing much, just went to Girlfriend's house and put a tracker on her car." He said with an excited evil glare in his eyes. "And if it moves, this receiver will beep." He said bowing and shaking with excitement. "YESSSSS, THAT CANDY IS AS GOOD AS OURS!!" I yelled, overflowing with excitement. As I was fangirling over Skid's ability, I'm cut off by the receiver's beeps. 

As I started to scream Skid whispered "Shut up let's watch where she goes." We silently watched the receiver in Skid's hands and we see that she stops at a local coffee shop. "It's probably nothing much," I say with much confidence, but Skid ripped me down. "No, you idiot!! she could be going on a breakfast date with someone, maybe someone who isn't Boyfriend!" I facepalm at my dumb remark. "Ya ur right Skid! Let's dash over there before we miss anything!"

We run over there, we have disguises on and we are sitting at a table next to them, casually listening while we look at the menus. "When are you going to break up with Boyfriend." A male voice sadly said. We were absolutely shocked, we carefully looked over at their table and we saw Girlfriend in her normal outfit sitting across a tall man with blue eyes, short light hair and he was in what appeared to be a messy school uniform.


945 words. Haha a cliff-hanger, I'm so evil. See y'all next week or so I don't have an uploading schedule, but it won't be for long. Have a great day/night my sad gays!

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