Fucked Up

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Hay my sad gays, THIS is where the drama gets intense. Yall better have your teacups ready.

Credit: Made by Roxanne on Pinterest


Flashback, Boyfriends POV:

Today is the day, I'm going to break up with Pico. I still love him a lot but I can't be with him, he's too dangerous and unstable. I don't feel safe, and that's a no-no in a relationship. He's clearly not ready for a relationship, this is the best for both of us. This is going to hurt, but no one said it would be easy and life sucks.

Boyfriend: Pico, we need to talk. I'm coming to your house.

Pico: Oh, uh, ok.

I put on my times, some camo jeans, and a black band hoodie and I start to walk to Pico's house. I'm really nervous, I don't know how he'll take the news. I feel bad but I brought a knife just in case it gets violent. I feel bad for not trusting him enough, but it's justified. His house is only a few blocks away so it shouldn't take long. I decided to go to his house because I can leave at any time, if this happened at my house, I'm not sure if I could get him to leave.

I arrived at his house, I rang the doorbell and he greeted me at the door. He looked really nervous. "Oh, hey, come in I guess." I nodded and I strolled inside. I sat on the couch and he sat on a chair opposite of me. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I hate to put so much anxiety on him but this needs to be done. "I've been thinking a lot about this and, I think we should go our separate ways." I saw his eyes widen and his jaw hit the floor. "Wait, are you breaking up with me?!?!!?"

He started to stand up and I reached my hand in my pocket for the knife. "Yes, I have my reasons and I will tell them to you if you sit down." Even though I asked him, he still stood there. "IS IT THAT BITCH BETHANY YOU SIT NEXT TO IN SCIENCE CLASS!?!?" He's always been the jealous type, and the type to jump to conclusions. "No, it is not, as I've said I will tell you why if you sit down." He slowly sat down and I could tell he was holding back tears. This made me feel even worse but, this HAD to be done.

"A big part of this is the shooting." As I said those words Pico's look of worry, morphed into shocked sadness. "I saw you do so many awful things to people who, yes did bad things but they surrendered. Also, the disrespect you had for the dead is inexcusable. Frankly, I don't feel safe with you anymore. That is a no go in a relationship. You are too violent and unstable for me to be comfortable around you anymore."

I started to tear up but I held it in so I could properly communicate. Pico started to cry and panic. I can't explain to you how bad I felt but as I've said, it needs to be done. "You know I would never hurt you!! I couldn't risk them killing you!!! Your my love, my happiness, if anything happened to you I would forever be miserable!!" He started to cry harder. It doesn't matter if he would hurt me or not. Once you see someone with that expression, you can never feel safe again. 

"That's also another reason I'm leaving, you clearly are not in the mental rightness to be in a relationship. A partner is not your happiness or your other half, it's an addition to what you already have. If you can't be happy without me, is it even healthy to be with me? If I really am your only source of happiness, that can form into an obsession. Wich is very unhealthy for everyone involved. It's best for both parties to be mentally ok for a relationship to be healthy." Pico stepped back. He collapsed on the floor and he glanced into his room.

"You're right." He started to cry harder, felt like an arrow through my chest. "I fucking love you, I truly do." I cried more as I realized what I truly was doing. He put my head on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat. "Then stay with me. We love each other, that's all that matters. I love you, I need you."

I slightly pushed him away. "That's why I'm doing this. You shouldn't need me, you should want me. You have things you need to figure out before you're ready for a relationship." He held me close while stroking my hair. "I don't understand why that matters." I sighed, knowing this would be hard. "I've already told you, remember it's not just that." I pushed him away again, I hated the pained look on his face. "I feel uncomfortable around you, when you touch me I feel weird. It's just not the same as it was."

"But why?!?" I could tell he was getting very upset. I stood up and I put distance between us. "What you did just changed my view of you. Now my body and mind are telling me that you're dangerous, even if I know you would never hurt me." We both started crying again, he started walking toward me. I stepped back as I grabbed the knife in my pocket. "Back up!" Despite my warning he continued to walk toward me, his face was a blend of sad, shocked, and mad.

I pulled out my knife to make it visible, it was a big chief's knife. His eyes widened and he collapsed to the ground. "You really thought I was going to hurt you?" I felt really guilty. "I was prepared for the worst, my gut told me it would be a good idea." He stared at me with such betrayal in his eyes it almost made me burst into tears. "Am I really that much of a monster?" This is exactly the other thing I feared! "No, you're not a monster at all. You just need to figure yourself out."

I walked towards the door. "As much as it hurts me to say this, we are over." His expression shifted quickly to pure panic. "Please don't desert me. PLEASE DON'T DESERT ME!!!" It was too late, I had already left. I heard his sobbing in the distance, I started to cry again. I hate hearing him cry, but some things need to be done no matter how painful they are. 

End Of Flashback, Boyfriends POV:

I shot up. I put on some random clothes I found on the floor. I grabbed my stuff and I dashed to Pico's apartment. I need to apologize for leaving him when he needed me the most. That was an honest dick. When I got there I dashed to his room and knocked, no one was there. I heard someone in there, was the Pico? I knocked again, and the door opened. I walked in "Hay, Pico are you there?"


I wake up and I see my hands tied up. I can't speak, I have duct tape on my mouth. I look across the room and I see... GIRLFRIEND?!!? Wait, have we been kidnapped?!!?!

What the hell.


1254 words. Opp- is that another cliffhanger? I really am the worst. I have testing this week so I may not be able to update again until the weekend. Have a great day/night my sad gays!

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