The Bright, Red, Burning Embers Of Flame And Love

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Hay my sad gays!! Wholesome episode and bougie title.

Credit: Tom Fulp from Newgrounds


Boyfriend POV:

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I quickly woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up and I stretched. It was pitch black outside, with only the full moon illuminating the sky. It was gorgeous. I decided to get a quick snack before I got ready for this beautiful display. I put 2 raspberry pop tarts in the toaster as I started thinking about what to wear. I went through my closet and I picked out a Jack Skellington hoodie, a black spiked choker, a white beanie, blue ripped jeans (with black fishnets under them), and black and white converse. Just as I finished getting all my clothes together my pop tarts finished. I also poured a glass of milk with my pop tarts.

Once I was done eating, I got dressed. After I was done getting dressed, I put on some light-winged eyeliner. I checked my phone and It was 11:43, I have plenty of time left. Once I was done I grabbed my black mini backpack and I put my essentials in it, keys, phone, and wallet. I then took a big fat piss so I wouldn't have to go in the public bathrooms. Those are nasty and anxiety-endusing, don't need any more of that in my life. It was now 11:50 PM, I got into my car and I realized something. I left my backpack in Pico's car, damnit!! I'm going to have to get my junk food in the morning then. I drove off to the trader joes. 

When I arrived there I saw Pico and another familiar face. "Hay BF! Glad you could make it." I high-fived Pico. "No problem, seeing a building burn must be gorgeous." The shark fin haired guy who set GF on fire approached me. "You don't even know the half of it!" He stuck his hand out and I shuck it firmly. "I'm Darnell, nice to meet you." We both let go of each other's hands. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Bf as you properly know by now." He nodded. "Wait is there anyone in this building?!?" Pico spoke up for Darnell. "Nope!! We checked beforehand." Darnell started to pull out some tools. "Just sit back on the hill behind this place, I'll put on the show for y'all!!"

"Sounds great!" Pico and I then sat on a hill behind Trader Joe's. In just 5 minutes the entire building was aflame. It was warm, toasty, and gorgeous. It was such a warm feeling in my heart. "This is awesome!! Right, Pico?" He looked at me very gentilly and calmly, it made my heart skip a beat. "By the way, what did you want to ask me on the roller coaster?" That's right!! This is another perfect opportunity!! "I was going to ask you... Will you be my boyfriend?" Pico looked surprised for a moment, but that expression morphed into one of the most love-struck looks I have ever seen.

"Do you even have to ask??" I chuckled. "So is that yes?" He gave me an annoyed look. "What do you think dumbass?? I put my hand on his cheek and I caressed it. We both inched closer to either other until our lips met. His lips felt like soft silk, his lips tasted of cherry chapstick. I didn't want it to end, and neither did he. After a bit, we both separated for air, when we did Pico tucked some of my stray hair behind my ear. We then started to giggle a lot until Pico looked to the west, he looked shocked so I followed suit and...

DARNELL WAS FILMING US!!!!! "I have to show Nene your 4K moment." Pico got up and yelled, "DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!" Darnell started to run and Pico ran after him. I just sat there on the grass while 2 grown men chased each other around like 2nd graders. Of course, I was laughing my ass off. I didn't really care who saw, so I wonder why he does. He didn't seem super serious so maybe this Nene person would just be lightly teasing him about it. The building was almost completely turned to ash by now, it was just a big clump of black. I heard something and I ran away with Darnell and my boyfriend because what I heard were police sirens. I can't believe that just a few months ago, Pico was just. Somebody, that I used to know.


817 words. Hasn't this been one hell of a ride? Yes, this story is finally done after 4ish months. I will go more over the future in the next update so stay for that too. Yes, Ik this is a short chapter, but I've had this idea for the finale for a while now. I hope it was gratifying enough for y'all! Have a great day/night my sad gays!!!!

Somebody, That I Used To Know...(BoyfriendXPico)Where stories live. Discover now