You're Staying With Me

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Hay my sad gays! This is a cuter, fluffier chapter. A break from all the angst. This image has nothing to do with the chapter it just scares me.

Credit: Uploaded by Roxanne on Pinterest


"So, will you come with me?" He opened his arms wide and he had this worried look on his face. Like he had just realized what he did. "Fine, I did do you dirty when I left you, so it's the least I can do." He looked super excited, he ran towards me and hugged me "Thank you~" I hate how he's so creepy but cute at the same time. "Is GF ok?" He looked annoyed. "She's fine, I made sure not to kell her for you." He did this wide dorky smile, he looks stupid. And cute.

"Oh thank god!" Pico started to look angry. "Why do you seem so happy??" Ugh, his jealousy can be annoying. "Even though she cheated on me, we care about each other. She's always been there for me, we're BFFs." That didn't seem to help, in fact, it made it worse. "THAT BITCH CHEATED ON YOU?!!?? I'M GOING TO KILL HER SO MUCH, I'M GOING TO GIVE SUBARU NATSUKI A RUN FOR HIS MONEY!!!"

Damnit!!! His weeb is coming out!!! I held him to calm him down, and it worked. "It's fine, she was very respectful about it, she just fell out of love." He calmed down. "Fine, let's go." I breathed a big sigh of relief. I followed him upstairs and his place was a mess.  I, of course, didn't say anything about it because that's rude. "I don't have a spare bed you'll have to sleep with me." My face flushed, I'm staying here?? "Wait, I'm staying the night?" He gave me this creepy smile. "Well of course you are, right?"

I didn't want to argue so I just went with the flow. "Wanna watch a movie?" He was suddenly excited. "What about GF??" I'm still really concerned about her. "Forget about her! I'll let her go tomorrow." This man needs to chill. "Is it ok if you use my sleep clothes?" How long am I going to be here? "Sure, I don't mind." Am I still kidnapped?? "How about we watch the Lorax??" Damn, I haven't watched that movie since I was a kid. "Sure a quick stop to nostalgia town would be fun." He seemed super excited. "Yay!!!! I'm going to get the snacks and put the movie on, you go get dressed."

"Alright." He gave me the clothes and I went into the bathroom. I put the shirt on, convenient that we're pretty much the same size. It was orange with cute little penguins on it, childish much? Oh, my, lord. HE GAVE ME HIS BOXERS?!?!!? What is wrong with him?!?! My face flushed red, no way I'm wearing these. I don't care if they are clean or if wearing the same boxers for multiple days is kind of gross. I'm NOT putting these on, what the hell was he thinking!?!?!!

I put on the matching pants. I put the boxers in my pocket, I don't know how he'll respond if he finds out I didn't put them on. I then walk out of the bathroom. I go to the living room and I see a big bowl of popcorn and some other snacks on the coffee table. He has also changed into blue penguin pajamas. "Damn, you got all this ready fast." He just did a cute nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ya, well let's get this started." 

We watched the Lorax, it's a really cute movie. It also gave me some lovely memories of my childhood. We sang the song 'How Bad Can I Be?' like 5 times straight. He's really funny, he kept making fun of O'hares' haircut and the MC's simpery. I ate half my body weight in popcorn and candy, specifically sour patch kids. All the fun we had made me almost forget about what happened earlier today... Almost.

A few more movies later and it was 3:00 AM. I was really tired. "Hey I'm kind of tired, I'm going to go to sleep." He looked at me kind of sad. "Oh, Ok. Goodnight!" I started walking to the bedroom. When I got there, I flopped down on the bed. Immediately, I got a strong whiff of his smell. I couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing. It was weirdly comforting, but it smelled of cigarettes and weed. I eventually fell asleep.

Somebody, That I Used To Know...(BoyfriendXPico)Where stories live. Discover now