The Dance

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Hay my sad gays! Y'all are in for a treat!!!

Credit: Pinned by ××Ꮢҽd on Pinterest



Great, everything is going as planned. Over these few days of BFs imprisonment, I have realized something. What I felt for senpai wasn't love, it was intense admiration. I have also realized that I still love BF, more than anything. I CAN NOT allow that MONSTER TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR HIM!!!!!! In my rage, I punched a huge carter in my wall. Blood gushed from my hand but I couldn't care less. I fix up my hand while thinking of the perfect thing to wear.

I have to look perfect for him to realize how much better I am than that freak. I always wear a plain red dress, so I want to do something different and unique. I can't go with something frilly though, that would look cute but I want to engine a flame into him that he can't ignore. I go for a black slim-fitting dress that is a little shorter than normal to push the envelope. Said black dress has lace all over it, I also have one of those white fluffy scarf things you see in older movies. This dress also has 10 ish clear/white gemstones on it that look like stars. I'm also wearing some cute black heels.

I'm also trying a different kind of makeup, I usually go for a natural look but not today. I decide to add bronzer to my face so my cheekbones look like they can cut diamonds. I also added smokey eyes, sharp eyeliner, and dark red lipstick. Now my hair, I looked at pictures to get a reference and I got an idea. I curled my hair, I've never done it before so mom helped me with that. Finally, I put on one of those small hats that women would wear in the 40s. I looked stunning, no way he could prefer that bum over me. I don't know if he likes Pickle or whatever the fuck his name is, but I frankly don't care. Even if he doesn't give in which is impossible, but if he does, I have a plan B :).

Picos POV:

My first thought when we walked in the door was I don't like this. Something is off, I can sense that something is wrong. The ballroom looked like it was ripped right out of beauty and the beast. It was a gorgeous room, it really surprised me. I knew they were rich, but I didn't know they were THAT rich. There was gold everywhere, BF and I stood there frozen for a second. There was a huge table with fancy-looking snacks and drinks. There was classical music playing in the background as well. Part of me just wants to melt in the scenery, but the other part was very careful I have a bad feeling about this. There also weren't many people, only 10 or so that I didn't recognize.


Oh. My. GGGGGGOOOOODDDD. THIS LOOKS SO COOL!!!!!!!! I was absolutely enthralled by this huge ballroom. It was so gorgeous. "Hay Pico! Wanna get some food?" He just nodded his head. Does he not like the ballroom? No, I don't think that's it. Why is he being quiet? As I was deep in thought GF came into the ballroom and she looked gorgeous! I haven't talked to her in person for a bit so I happily strolled toward her. "Hay! It's so good to see you! You look gorgeous by the way. You went on theme really well!" She giggled. "Thank you! You look great as well! Glad y'all took the theme seriously." 

Pico was glaring at me and GF as we were talking, it's kind of cute when he's jealous. "Hey wanna go to a coffee shop together on Friday at 4?!" I suddenly asked. "Sure! sounds great!" She was grinning ear to ear. Daddy Dearest suddenly gave her a look. "Sorry, it looks like I've got to say some announcements and get this party rolling! See you on our date~" She then strolled off. I froze, I didn't know how I felt about that last remark. I looked over my shoulder and I saw Pico fuming. His fists were clenched and his hand was reaching for something in his pocket for something.

I ran to him so he wouldn't do anything drastic. "What did she mean by date!?!?" It's pretty annoying how he always jumps to conclusions. "I have no idea, we're not together and I wasn't being flirtatious, so I don't know why she said that." His expression seemed to soften a bit, he looked at me with these sad insecure glossy eyes. It broke my heart to see him so upset. "Are you sure?" I smiled, I then held his face in my hand slowly caressing him. "Very." He then gave me a sweet soft smile. We locked eyes, our lips subconsciously parted. I inched towards him and he did so as well.

"HELLO EVERYONE!!!!" GF started to talk in the microphone. This startled me and Pico so we jumped and separated. "I HOPE Y'ALL ARE HAVING A GREAT TIME!! IT'S TIME FOR THE SLOW DANCE!! FIND YOUR PARTNER AND GET TO DANCING!!!" Soon after that announcement, the slow dance music started to play. I giggled and I put my right hand on Pico's shoulder, and my left hand on his waist. He did the same with me, and we did the simple 4 step movement. We were complete amateurs at this, but that just made it more fun. 

When the song went through its first transition we got separated and I ended up dancing with Gf. Pico was now dancing with a stranger, he didn't look too pleased. "Hay BF! How's your night going?" I was still kind of put off by her remake earlier, but ignoring her would be rude. "It's been really fun! Thanks for inviting me and Pico." Her mood seemed to slightly shift when I said his name. I understand her not liking him, but can't she be a little supportive? "It's my pleasure!" When the song ended, something I did not expect happened. She leaned into me, was she trying to kiss me?

Just as she was about to kiss me, Pico swept me from my feet and I was suddenly dancing with him. A few more rounds of this happened in between the songs, and during the 6th song, I fled to the bathroom to process what just happened. I looked at myself in the mirror confused out of my mind. What do they want? What do I want? I took a breather for a minute and I washed my face. After one final deep breath, I left the bathroom. When I returned they were suddenly playing musical chairs? Not a very classy game, but I'm down!

I was too late so I couldn't join the first round, but it was fun to watch nun the less! Not surprisingly, Mommy Mearest won. Pico was a close second but she had the upper hand in that round. I was really excited when I was in the next round. This game is kind of anxiety-inducing, but it's still super fun! Of course, I got too competitive so I may have bumped a few people nothing big. It was down to the final 2, me and Pico. I was suddenly nervous for some reason, I so got this so I don't know where it came from. But then suddenly the music stopped.

I SAT DOWN FIRST!! But Pico sat down second, by that I mean that Pico was suddenly on my lap. I kind of jumped a little, and so did he. I heard some Wisels and Woh-hos from the audience and our faces were now redder than cherries. Pico had this weird look on his face like he was mad he lossed again but there was a hint of embarrassment and disappointment??? I looked over at Gf and she looked pissed as ever, it made me confused and nervous. Musical chairs ended after 7ish more rounds. I won 3 times, Pico won once, Mommy Mearest won 4 times, and a random won the rest of the rounds.

For the rest of the entire party, GF was always staring daggers at Pico and sometimes at me. I understand Pico to an extent, but why me? I noticed that she stares the worst when Pico and I almost kiss. Is she jealous?? That has to be the case, she almost kissed me! I sigh in the realization of how messy my life is. Nearing the end of the party, there was a huge banquet. "Hay Pico!! This looks sick!!" He chuckled at me. "It sure does, I'm going to eat the ham first." There was ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, beef, literally everything. "I don't even know where to start! There's just so much!!"

"Yup there sure is, I know what we should have first!!" Pico walked over to a dish and he brought it back. "Spaghetti!!" Interesting first choice but I'm down. I get a fork, ready to dig in. Pico and I are eating from the same plate. "This is some good spaghetti!!" Pico nods in agreeance. As I was eating the spaghetti I felt a light tug on one of my noodles, I paid no mind until I saw Pico's face inches from mine. We began to blush then, Pico had the cutest smile on his face. We slowly inched forward towards each other for the 3rd time tonight.

"HAY I'M SORRY EVERYONE BUT WE HAVE TO END THE PARTY RIGHT NOW. SOMETHING WENT WRONG AND WE SADLY MUST END THE PARTY NOW!!" Pico and I jumped, GF suddenly made an announcement that ended this party. Both Pico and GF were death staring at each other, what's happening?? "I KNOW THIS IS VERY UNFORTUNATE BUT IT MUST BE DONE. WE HAVE CONTAINERS YOU CAN PUT YOUR FOOD IN SO YOU CAN BRING IT HOME." I sighed, I was having fun but it must be important. 

"Hay Pico, let's put this food in those containers." He grabbed the plate of spaghetti. "Sure." He seems upset, I know it's kind of lame. Pico brought the spaghetti to the containers on the trays a few feet beyond the food cart thing. Gf suddenly walked toward me, Pico was behind her with this pissed look on his face. "Hay BF! Can I meet you in the back for a few minutes?" I felt unsure about this but I agreed anyway. She brought me to a room and she entered after me. "Hay what did you want to talk abo-" She suddenly locked the door.


1813 words. I kind of feel bad for clif hanging y'all again, but it is what it is. After my next upload, I will properly be on summer vacation so that's when Imma pump out the content. Have a great day/night my sad gays!

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