That's Why

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Hay, my sad gays!! Ik Ik Ik my uploading schedule sucks balls but summer vacation starts in 2 weeks, that's when y'all will get daily uploads (probably). TW btw. Almost forgot, happy pride month!!

Credit: Pinned by Roxanne on Pinterest


Boyfriends POV:

Flashback, 1 week after the break up with Pico:

I have decided to leave this place behind. I know I have made a lot of great memories here but it's time to move on. Life goes on, and so do I. I got a new apartment a few towns to the west. I would go further but I need to be a least a little bit close to my parents. This will be a challenging journey, considering how I still love him. I wish there were a way to just forget him, and move on to a new chapter of my life. I thought hard and long as to think of any way this would even be possible. After a bit, I came up with the perfect solution.

Hypnosis! I did some quick research and I found out that hypnosis can make you forget someone temporarily. I mean, that's good enough I just need a few months to get my shit together. I visit a bunch of websites for a hypnotist until I found the perfect one. A lady named Ivory has lots of good reviews. It's 75 miles away, that's a little too far for comfort, but it's worth it. I booked an appointment with her in a few hours. In those few hours, I put all my stuff from my old place in a U-haul and I drove to my new place. Moving sure is exhausting, but it will all work out for the better.

As I was driving the U-haul I felt as if someone was looking for me. When it was 4:15 I got ready for my appointment at 6, I put on some black jeans with a white shirt and a red cap, simple but classy. I then got in my car and drove all the way to this appointment. Suddenly I got this heavy sinking feeling in my stomach, am I making the right choice? Don't worry, it's going to be ok. Plus, it's too late now. I've committed to this, plus it's only temporary. It seemed like forever but I finally made it to the place.

When I walked in, it looked exactly what I thought it would be. Darker wallpaper with zodiac signs all over, along with planets/stars. There was a tent that had a space like the design on it to the left, I went in and there was a crystal ball in the middle of the table. Behind said table, there was a person with a silk-like role on, which of course had a space theme. There were little nick-nacks everywhere, there were also tarot card cards on a shelf.

"Hello, young one. What has brought you here." This unfamiliar atmosphere made me kind of uncomfortable. "I did some research and I found out that you could make me forget a certain person temporarily." From this point on out, ill make stuff up as I go sorry lol. She gave me this knowing look, almost like she expected that. "I get that request so many god damn times, I think I'm going to rip my head off." She chuckled. "Ya, I can do that. Who do you want to forget? Don't need to know everything about them, just general information like their name and behavior and your relationship with them. All of this is confidential by the way"

"His name is Pico and he's my ex. Stuff happened and I had to leave him for safety reasons. I want to start a new life in a new place but I still have feelings for him." She laughed, what's so funny? "I guessed most of that correct before you even said it. I get so many stories like that." I felt kind of dumb and predictable but life goes on. "Let's get on with this." She put on a more serious look and she pulled out some tools. "Before we get into this you need to know that if you interact with Pico or anyone like him, you will remember him a lot sooner than if not." 

I'm just going to skip to after his appointment because I don't know very much about hypnosis, and I don't want to send out false info even if I warned you beforehand.

Somebody, That I Used To Know...(BoyfriendXPico)Where stories live. Discover now