I Know Now

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Hello, my sad gays!! This chapter has a bit of 👀 in it but there's a bit of fluff at the end so 💅

Credit: Me (yes I made this, I came up with the idea while writing this. I'm so stupid.)


Pico's POV:

"BOYFRIEND!!?!?!!?" He was laying on the hard concrete floor. He looked like he had been crying really hard. He also had bruises all over his body, he was passed out cold. I ran to him and I held him close while on the floor. "Boyfriend, wake up." I slowly caressed his cheek, I didn't even realize that I was crying. He slowly opened his eyes in the most angelic way. "Boyfriend! Are you ok?!?!!?" He gave me a slight smile. "I'm so glad you're here." He slowly whispered under his breath. I started to cry more, sadness turned into unfiltered, pure blood-bursting rage. "What the FUCK did she do to you." I started to shake, all I saw was red. It was terrifying.

Boyfriend was silent... My mind raced to every conclusion. Did she abuse him? Did she torture him? Did she...... I slowly let go of Boyfriend, I walked up to the concrete wall and punched the wall with all of my strength. #stopwallabuse. The wall chipped a bit. My hand was pouring blood, it was also broken to all shit. But I didn't give a shit, I had to let some of my anger out. I expected Bf to say something like 'Pico, why did you do that?' but he just stayed silent. "Damn Pico!! Get yo shit together!!" 

I breathed in and out, slowly calming down. Very rarely is Nene helpful, but when she is it comes out of nowhere. "Let's get BF to my apartment. I'll carry him to the car." Darnell and Nene both looked at me with a confused look. "YOU'RE going to carry him?!? You got busted up hand dumbass!!!" I gave her a serious look. "I will carry him." She just rolled her eyes. "I'll carry him there dip-" Before she laid a finger on him I cut her off. "I WILL CARRY HIM!!" Nene froze and gave me this confused, disturbed look. "Fine, if you insist dipshit." She then raised her hands in the air as she walked backward next to Darnell.

I threw Boyfriend on my shoulder, his head was resting on my shoulder. His eyes were very drowsy, he suddenly gave me a soft smile. My stomach fluttered and my face flushed, he's so cute. Nene, breaking the mood as usual gave me a knowing, fuckboi smile. In response, I gave her an annoyed look, and she responded by rolling her eyes. I then gave her an angry look, nonverbally cussing her out. "Hay!" Darnell cut in. "Stop with your psychic face communication already!! We got things to do!" We both reluctantly agreed with him and we were just about to walk to the car when we hear an unfriendly voice behind us.

"Where in the fuck do you think you are going?" Before I could look behind me, Boyfriend was snatched from my grasp. "BOYFRIEND!!" She was suddenly carrying him in one of her arms. Everyone had a surprised and horrified look on their face except for her. "LET HIM GO THIS INSTANT!!!!" Nene, Darnell, and I pulled out our weapons. I had my 2 uzis, Nene had 2 huge knives, and Darnell had a gun and a knife. 'Girlfriend' was in her full demon form, she was purple, with eyes like her family. But she had horns and wings, wings in which she used to fly. Along with a disgusted look on her face. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" Nene suddenly became disgustingly mad.

"IT IS NOW 2:30 AND I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TOMORROW!! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH CASSANDRA 2.0 RIGHT NOW!! COME AT ME BITCH!!!!!" Nene jumped in the air like in an anime and she barely slashed 'Girlfriend' because she dodged her. She then bitch slapped Nene out of the air. Nene landed on her back, but she quickly got back on her feet. "Is that all you got?" It looked like Nene was frothing at the mouth with how angry she was with her and her comment. "FUCKING WHORE!!!!" They had this back and forth, Me and Darnell started shooting at her from the sides, so as to not shoot Nene. We were also cautious as to not hit BF, of course.

Somebody, That I Used To Know...(BoyfriendXPico)Where stories live. Discover now