Chapter 1 - Insanity

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Chapter 1: Insanity


Meh - when one simply does not care. Or in my case I couldn't give a fuck, well actually the first explanation sums it up pretty well. Please let me explain the reason behind my use of the word "Meh". Work sucks like hell but much, much worse than burning flames and boyfriends well I think you can guess, but that last word itself is pretty self explanatory.

Ring ring. Great just what I need on S.A.D ( singles awareness day A.K.A the dreaded Valentines Day.) Let me guess it'll be Cade, as much as I like him he isn't my sort of boyfriend material. I do not feel any connection with him, he doesn't make me feel special or like he wants to be with me but more importantly I just feel like arm candy. especially at his parties. Damn, all this is is a small pointless and meaningless fling and nothing more, it'll end up with me being not at all surprised and Cade well I think he wouldn't careless. I feel like half the time I am utterly and completely single.

"Hey babe, come to my place at eight-ish. Actually screw that I'll pick you up, we're going to Zack and Angies V-day party." He ordered. Not a hint of questioning to it.

"Do we ha --"

"Okay then, Will see you round eight, right?" He cut me off and hung up. Dick, actually this is normal. Why am I surprised? Why am I with him? But I will go because if I don't he will give me shit for it. Not literally shit, that would be messy but I think you understand where I'm sadly coming from.


"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?" He paused. "Insanity, is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again. Expecting shit to change. That is crazy..." Said Vaas. Oh how I love video games, my only escape, well that and Toby Turner, a complete and Utter Youtube sensation not like number one but in my sad blue eyes he seem like a pretty perfect guy, of course everyone has there flaws but he seemed to have far less then every other living being on this planet.

Pausing it I got up. Shit, exactly one hellish hour till... Hell. The only possibly way to describe several hours of fake smiling, being touched by Cade who doesn't appreciate me and snobbish "friends".

Shower, makeup, hair. Now the worst part. I stand in front of my closet with absolutely not a trace of a clue of what to wear. Black dress? Red dress? All the same really, some sort of material to cover (in some cases small) parts of flesh.

The door bell rang, finally deciding the red dress would be easiest decision, only because it was closest to me on the floor, I run to the brown oak door to find Cade.

"Hey Babe" He murmured, looking like he didn't really want to be here.

"Uh, hey Cade, give me like one second?" Running back to my room I grabbed my purse.

"Skye, we need to go now" He shouted from the living room, a hint of rage trimming that last short word.

"I didn't realize the whole world worked around you." I spat, its not like we were going to be late.

He kept silent, I guess there really is a first for everything. I come down the stairs slowly I don't really want to go, I never really wanted to go to these ridiculous parties. They achieved nothing, well accept getting everyone slightly drunk but otherwise it was all pretty fucking pointless.

We went to his car, it was clean and shiny but inside dirty and horribly messy. The description of Cade, also. It was twenty minutes in the car to get to Angie and Zack's place, hopefully the traffic wouldn't be to bad.

"Hows work?" Cade asked, his fake interested tone was showing, he was such a terrible actor.

"shit, you know that." I said, there is no point of lying, being an artist is hard and fun being able to do exactly the way you want to express your feelings and being completely self centered but trying to find people interested enough in what you create that they want to buy it. I don't just do that because then I'd have to make so many paintings, drawings and stuff sleep would be out of the question, I also run art classes down at the elemtary school and I paint portraits for people who pay. Right now I so like "CBA" to tell you exactly the fuck it is I do. Have a nice day.

"Oh." He mumbled, is that all he had to say? This relationship is going to end very freaking soon.

These last fifteen minutes however were ever so silent and awkward. Cade pulled in to this Huge driveway, more space then what was really required, that lead to a house, correction: a mansion. Kinda reminded me of the house with all the sparkly people, what was it? Twilight, I can't remember, that movie was terrible.

I get out the car, glad to be free of that awful smelling thing. Cade grabbed me by the hand as if I was going to run away, pulling me into the "house" where all our "friends" were. What fun I shall have.

I spoke to everyone through those several hours of hell, I was right it was hell and when I say "spoke" I mean Cade dragged me round the whole freaking house just to introduce me to everyone. Talk about arm fucking candy.

I saw Angie, I didn't talk to her she had the "leave me alone, Bitch" sort of face, that girl was one of those people who prefers the company of oxygen and a good book. I don't know why she was with Zack but then again no one knew why she was with Zack, he was the complete opposite.

How I wish Rhine Palmer was here.

3:05am According to my phone.

I think I fell asleep in the bath. How very cliche. worst thing is I don't even know how the helI got here. Getting up was a challenge my, head hurt badly, I felt so disorientated. I don't know what happened last night, I seem to remember Cade walking off with somebody but who? Well I suppose I should go find him. Walking down the stairs I see Zack and Angie.

"Hey Skye!" said Zack with too much enthusiam. Or I'm paranoid.

"Hey Zack, do you know where Cade is?" I questioned, feeling like I'd get a straight answer.

"I saw Him go into the spare room with Carly." Angie said. She said, bothering to speak up about something that she wouldn't gain of off. Both Zack and I were surprised.

"Umm thanks, Angie," I mumbled "see you Zack." Cade off with Carly? what the fuck? In the spare room? I run down the hall way, I know what I'll see but the thing is I want a surprise, I know I utterly won't be. Like I'll see both of them, just chatting and eating popcorn, yeah pigs can fly.

I got to the door, hands shaking I grasp the diamond looking handle, this is so not happening. turning the door knob. Cade was there, so was Carly. In the pink bed asleep, clothes strewn across the floor.

Cade, will always be Cade: parties, drinks, untrusting and shitty cars. And I expect him to change, I guess Ubisoft really knows exactly what they're talking about. Looking at Cade I screech.

"SON OF A BITCH!" With that they both woke up. I slammed the door I didn't want to hear any kind of stupid excuse, Why am I surprised? It happened, and we are over.

I didn't like ongoing stability. As weird and peculiar as that may sound I preferred things going wrong and changing them to make them better. I guess you could say I like improvement. And this period of my life a lot of shit kicks in, both good and bad. So in conclusion that happening with Cade and Carly, well it could be a positive, right?

I damn hope so.

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