Chapter 13 - Partaay?!?!

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Just so you all know - I love Olga, she's great but because her and Toby were together, she's the best candidate for a problem. That sounds so horrible! but I really do love her and her videos :).

Chapter 13 - Partaay?!?!

A pair of dark turquoise and indigo harem pants, an old navy coloured tank top and a purple silk bag I received from my uncle, years ago when he went to India, plus a few random friendship bracelets snaking up my right arm better do me justice, I look like a complete hippie but #YOLO, right? I know I shouldn't be nervous, all of them are normal people like me, accept with a very exposing job.

"They don't bite." Toby randomly assures me, just as he pulls up to Jack's place which was only twenty minutes away from my house, despite all the L.A. traffic. "You'll be fine, honestly."

"Who says I wasn't fine?" I undo my seat belt and quickly check to see if I did eventually bring my IPhone, as we headed out pretty late. In the end we started to leave for Jack's house twenty minutes after we agreed to leave my place.

"Skye, you've been fiddling that strap on your bag for the whole time we've been in this car. It's fine don't worry your little nugget about it." He says, unbuckling his own seat belt

"And how is it you are using the term 'nugget'?" I ask, taking extra care not to trap the extra fabric of my pants in the door as I get out and slam it shut.

"Unfortunately, I don't even know that." Toby explains, laughing as he walks around the back of his car. He stands next me and looks right into my eyes, surprisingly taking my hand and pulling me forward to walk up the grey concrete driveway to Jack's front door. Does he want all of his friends to think we're together? Are we together? He is so confusing at times. Giving me a reassuring grin he firmly knocks on the door.

"Toby! My man, how are you?" The door opens suddenly, Jack pulls Toby in for a bro hug and then quickly stands aside for Toby and I to walk into the house.

"Hi jack, Congrats on the freakin' one million subs!" Toby loudly exclaims, widely smiling as he says it.

"Thanks, man." Jack says to Toby but then turns to me. "I'm guessing you're the girl Toby won't shut the fuck up about. You're Skye, right?" He says, moving his eyes from me to Toby with a wide grin and then back to me. "Nice to meet you!" He chuckles as he sticks out a hand. I shake it, giving him a smile that I think covered up my previous nervous expression.

"Great to meet you too, Jack!" I say with just a little too much enthusiasm. Toby squeezes my hand in his, I think he realises how awkward I feel. "I've seen a few of your videos, They're awesome. Not-pants really got me laughing." Maybe I shouldn't declare how long I've been watching his videos, he'll think Toby just brought a random stalker like fan to his party.

"Everyone is through to the kitchen," he says pointing down the hall to a door on the left, for more my benefit than Toby's. "I'll leave you two to it." He mutters as he walks towards the kitchen, not before I see him glance down at Toby's hand wrapped around mine.

"Shall we go in?" Toby asks, pulling me away from my thoughts. He tugs at me hand as he takes a step closer to the door, I give him a doubtful look, setting my mouth into almost a harsh grimace. "Everyone's really nice, you know that from all their videos." He sighs, taking a step towards me and away from the kitchen door. "So suck it up and don't be a child." Toby murmurs into my ear with a full on smirk smothered all over his gorgeous face.

Swaying one step back, he yanks my hand a little harder this time pulling my torso forward then letting go and wrapping his arm around my waist. He turns to face the almost closed door and, with a little more force that should be needed, I follow him through to the kitchen with his arm around me and half shielded by Toby's body. I feel like everyone is staring at us, staring at me. Like the first day at a new school only less hostile and much more curious. One by one, everyone returns back to their conversation and pretends like they didn't notice our entrance. Jack gently throws a minuscule, awkward smile at us, he knows this can't be great for us right now.

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