Chapter 3 - Between Two And Four

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Chapter 3 - Between Two And Four. Because I didn't know what else to call it.

"No. It's fine really, I live super close." I say, not wanting impose. Toby had already made me feel way better, he now seems somewhat too generous. Damn him.

"That's where you are wrong. look at the sky, oh wait you can't because you'd get too much rain in your eyes and you were already dripping." Toby chirps. face full of cheeky sarcasm, it suited him well.

"Seriously, don't worry I won't die. I absolutely promise." This was going to be harder than I thought. He doesn't need to do this.

"Do I have to come out there and get these luscious locks wet?" Toby almost shouting, still with the  very simple but very effective expression, but not aggressively the rain is so heavy as it beats down onto his ride. 

"Fine because I know for sure if I don't get in you won't stop talking." 

"I win!" We both laugh and as I jump in he cranks up the heating and for some reason he has a blanket in the back of the car, he throws it at me.

"Thanks but, like your being too nice to a girl who told you to shut the hell up a few hours ago."

"Yes but you might get hypothermia or something. Then I would feel bad." That last sentence he chose to do in his happy wheels little boy voice. Oh how I laughed at that, you know the persona I'm talking about, right?

I hope this turns into more than just a almost lucky encounter like friendship. That would be so awesome and I could shove it in Rhine's face very gently but thoroughly. After a while of stupid little puns and jokes we realize we had literally just drove around the block.

"Hey Skye where do you live?" Toby asked, That was the whole point of him making me leap into his car.

"Rancho Street, once we get there I'll direct you to my place."

"Alright. Madam we shall be arriving at the destination planned shortly... I hope." He says in a very formal accent almost English but not exactly.

"So do I." I say because I do. Its dark and I don't ever come back to my house in the dark because I never go out to anything in the dark unless Cade takes me and even then I'm sure he knows how to get to mine in the dark way more than I do, due to the fact he always made sure I didn't choose anything and that in some way or another I was dependent upon him . Controlling bastard.

Subsequent to unrefined small talk and stiff glances towards eachother we reach the kindom of  Sherman the wise's Oak (I should so design videogames I would be such a ninja!) and with a few "lefts and "rights" directed by me for Toby we arrive at our destination as planned like we hoped.

"Thanks Toby, it was really sweet of you to give me a lift." I say. " I, Skye Marlo. shall be forever in your debt Sir Tobuscus  king of the Audience." He looks kinda confused, it really is to early in the morning, till he realises what I am talking about.

"Don't fret, Young Skybuscus. All has been repayed with one of the  most interesting conversations thee has had in a while."

"Wait what?! I'm a buscus now, that is soooooo awesome Rhine is going to be JELLAY!" I say in a much louder tone. Now he really does look at me with a "what just happened" expression on his face. "sorry, my fangirl episode is at this moment in time over."

"Thank the lord, I thought my ears might explode." Awkward if I do say so myself.

"Well, anyway goodbye Toby, because if I don't get a wink of sleep I might kill everyone at the exhibition in" I look at my phones face. " Like just under two hours." This really was a great night, actually a great morning. the sun is coming up.

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