Chapter 11 - Perplexed Emotions

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Chapter 11 - Perplexed Emotions

To me, the days have just blended together. I don't have any thing like "checkpoints". All of my responsibilities are flexible, enough so that the feeling of urgency is so distant that I almost don't go through with them. But I can't show it, if I did I'd be weak. Toby would worry. everyone would worry about me and I don't want them to. So I fake my happiness and get on with my dismal chores. 

The same nightmare repeats itself but now I have come to realize the whole cinematic in my mind is in slow motion, Each night it becomes faster. Rhine isn't just reaching her pale hand towards me but she is shouting something at me, all I can hear is muffled sounds because of the damn water plugging my ears, tightly. She sounds worried and scared, maybe she is warning me, but who am I to guess? I am not a dream psychologist.

I tried to go to the hospital to see Rhine, just to tell her everything will be okay, (probably more for my sake than hers) everyday for a sign of improvement... Or hope. But now I call the hospital even though they'd call me if the situation changed. To her it must be horrible, hearing all this worried tones from people you love and  care about, not being able to comfort them must be hell. And I did this to her, It's my hell.

"Skye, Did you hear me?" Toby says, pulling me out and away from my thoughts. "Weren't you listening?" He questions me, looking ever so slightly hurt "aren't you excited?" Stupid ears, why can't you just listen to the important things?

"Would you run through it again?" Oh way to go, Skye. that sounds like I care so much.

"So you know I've been thinking about doing a short film about something?" his eyes glide over me as he watches people pass by."I have written the script and well, one thing led to another; the episode is set in London." He answers and gives me a 'you-so-weren't-listening-and-you-know-that-I-know-it' gaze with his cute eyes. Looking back up at my eyes from his clasped hands. "But there is something I must ask you." He reaches out and entwines our fingers together. "Will you come?" He asks.

Rhine, What if she wakes up and I am not here? What if she doesn't wake up and I am not here. I can't just leave Los Angeles. Yes, it's only for maybe  two weeks at the most but I just can't leave her like that.

"Toby," I pause, clearing my head. "I Just..." How can I put this with out sound like a bitch? "I don't know if I should come." I should just be straight with him. He has to see I just can't do this, Toby already knows how I feel about Rhine because he has been the one telling me everything is going to be completely fine. His face falls but he tries to mask it but I saw his face, I saw how he wasn't expecting no for an answer. Okay, Maybe how I said it was a tad blunt, I should've broke him into it but I'm stupid so there.

"Sorry I asked. I am not even sure why I bothered, I only just met you a few weeks ago." He sneers at me and lets go of my hand, Why do I keep hurting people? I say the wrong things, do the wrong things, act the wrong way. I might as well I isolate myself then I everyone I care about will be happy.

"No! you've got the wrong idea, just listen to me." I say taking back my place in his hand. "I can't go because of Rhine, Do you honestly think I could just stop everything here and go to London to enjoy myself? When my closest friend is in a fucking coma" I explained, a little more hostile than needed. "Look maybe I'll think about it but Toby really I just don't know. And I don't think I'd be able to afford all the travelling costs and stuff right now."

"Hey! Don't you worry about that I'm paying for everything, Do you remember that I told the Audience about everything and a huge bunch of them wanted to help out? Well, everything is easily paid for and we might even be able to do an actual Meet up, but not like last time. This time at an actual venue"  He tries to persuade me, I'd be lying by saying it's not effective.

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