Chapter 2 - An Encounter

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Chapter 2 - An Encounter 

After that, Considering that complete douche bag, Cade was my ride, I decide to walk home with my heels hanging from two fingers from my hand and for once in Los Angeles the city thinks to rain. Which the whole idea of water falling from the sky is a bunch of balls, as Tobuscus would put it. Why couldn't Cade be more like that twenty seven year old angel minus the stupid feathery wings? and the harp, never forget that harp. Not that Toby had either of those things, well metaphorically he had them one hundred times over.

Half way to my apartment I see the rundown cafe, its open. Walking in, I realize I don't have any money so I just sit down. Makeup ran from tears and rain, but mostly tears, hair drenched and a face like a wet weekend in human form. I guess that phrase fits perfectly from a weather-ish point of view.

The Scene looking girl from behind the counter observing me from under her big black eyelashes, looking the way I do why on earth would she serve me? she pretended like I wasn't there and I did the same, also.

So I cried like a sad excuse of women, head on the table, hands covering my face, might as well go full emo depression mode. I probably looked crazy, but to hell with everybody else, I didn't feel like facing some stranger just right now. 

I heard a guy, sounding loud and in a peculiar way proud. I recognized him, not him, I mean his voice its so very familiar. But I don't look up. I carry on with my arms and head on the awful cleaning product smelling table. But this man kept wittering on and on. He was coming closer now, His foot falls felt like they were next to my right ear.

"I am totes not getting involved with that." The man said. But he sounded kinda gay and slightly fake, as much as that sounds stereotypical, there are few other ways to describe such an act. Was he talking about me? There isn't anybody else here except the girl with the dark eyeliner behind the counter and she really doesn't look like to much trouble. He is talking about me. He doesn't know me or this godforsaken situation . Rage scratching up my neck, full force into my agonized throat. Raising my head,  I think I saw shock in his face. Feeling the concentrated fire seep out.

"Care to shut the hell up" I scream, I can't see through my tears and the anger. Everything is unclear and misty, I couldn't make out his face but his hair is a dark brunette, flicking around his face and reaching down to his earlobe not the length, sideburns. A phone is in his left hand, pointed directly at me, while his profile is still in the shot.

"Will do." His voice purred with familiarity. Still couldn't quite put my finger on it. I rubbed my eyes, his body becoming crisp and clear, his face, also. His eyes are apologetic, but he returns to look at his camera now aiming it towards his face, and cries out. 

"Boop!" High pitch screech filling my ears. Now I knew for sure who it was, he didn't do the outro, weird. I had just told Toby Tobuscus Joe Turner the angel of the Internet to shut the hell up. But he was being a douche or I could have been overreacting. Wait, I just found my boyfriend cheating on me in the hardest way. Red handed, and forced to walk home while the clouds died. I think my reaction was reasonable, I hope so, I hope I can freaking explain. Oh no, he is walking over to me.

Correction: Heelying over to me. 

"I didn't think you'd hear." Toby said, Wide eyes and full of beautiful hazel concern. Now it didn't honestly matter about what he said, I mean he was right why would he want to get involved with me I am a total wreck. I mean he had the balls to freaking talk to this very UN-hot mess. After a few seconds of awkward silence Toby looks me in the eye.

"Toby Turner." he says holding a hand out. I rub my smugdy eyes with my left hand, and shake his with my right. I knew he was left handed, don't judge I'm a stalker at heart. Introductions, why didn't I think of that? Because, Skye Marlo, you're not a genius. As much as you think.

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