Epilogue - Nothing Lasts Forever

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Epilogue - Nothing Lasts Forever

It took three painful months of living together for us to realise 'us' didn't truly work they way we had thought it did. There hadn't ever been a significant event that lead to his bags, packed and zipped, left on the cold tiles of the porch floor. Now, I understand it was the small habits or the way he left the kitchen; I know I'll never exactly pin point what lead me to finally snap. I won't lie, I did my fair part in annoying him and he had his in annoying me.

I miss many things that come with living with someone but i miss his dog the most, though, he, being the dog, settled into the new surroundings that is my apartment quite fast and seemed happy for it. But he wasn't happy when I clipped him to his leash and handed him to his true owner, they left within the hour but not without plenty of melancholy goodbyes and repeated speeches of ringed out love and explanation. The place seems lonely now, very silent and cold, especially my bed; I hadn't realised how big it is until now.

I remember waking up to find him burning Pop tarts almost every morning as something that used to piss me off to the extreme but now I wished I'd just laughed and waved the smoke away from the alarm on the ceiling. I don't regret how things panned out, not for a single second, because it was and still is the only way we both could live and still know each other the way we do, like friends and nothing more or less.

When I left his things by the door and waited for him to arrive back I knew what would come. You see, as well as our speeches of ringed out love and explanation there were tears, but not from me. Although, we both understood it had to happen because as soon as he moved in every kind of connection we had became dim as if the constant presence of one another made up for any extra feelings, if you like. And it all just turned to shit, absolute shit.

A week after we separated He called and asked me out for a coffee - ironic, considering we decided to go to the place where we first met despite it's terribly sad atmosphere. Anyways, we go and at first, it's awkward as hell but then we forget about the last month of our lives and begin to rewind our interactions back to how it was before. It's nice, reminds me of how we work so well together but it's just not there, that spark.

Something's different now, I don't want kiss him or smile every five seconds and it feels right. I know for certain I could probably get totally wasted with him and not waking up the next morning in his bed, we're good now; this is the sort of good we had been destined for, I guess. I know I've babbled on about how it came to end but all I really wanted to say is that nothing lasts forever, and that's what I've taken with me and away from my relationship with him, it's something I'll always remember because now I truly know it's definition and I can accept it.

We'll still talk, me and him. I mean, who knows how our friendship might pan out.

Very short Authors note:

Sorry, if you were expecting a chapters length. I didn't think is be able to write that much about their relationship:) I hope I didn't kill your feels but with how I wrote the story I felt like this was inevitable and indeed needed. Think of it as a small and very much un hurtful wake up call to myself, or if you feel like you need it then by all means take it! But, I simply get like personally I get too invested in fan fics to the pint where it's unhealthy. So I tried to sober my inner fangirl up. Sorry.

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