Chapter 14 - Mindless, Motionless

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Chapter 14 - Mindless, Motionless

"Toby, you seem really uptight and pretty stressed, are you okay?" I ask him, shovelling another delicious mouthful of yogurt into my mouth. Yogurt Land at half past five in the morning, I know how to live.

"Skye, thanks but I'm fine, Jack's party was just feeling kinda claustrophobic." Toby replies as I pick off each Reece's Pieces nugget of goodness and satisfyingly gobbling all of them down. "I just needed to get way." He mutters, looking deeply distracted in his own mind and thoughts as we both stare out if the window, into the dull parking lot and up to gorge our eyes on the beautiful, usual pink L.A. sunrise.

"You really don't mind that we came to Yogurt Land, do you?" I wonder, scooping another sweet morsel into my mouth. Toby seems like his mind is somewhere else, answering completely without any thought, and not in this mindless conversation.

"Oh sorry, what?" He quickly mutters before realising what I asked. "I'm not really hungry and even if I were, I couldn't eat anything, not here." He mutters with his eyes still firmly on the horizon.

"Are you sure? We could go to some other place or we could go back to one our places and order pizza." I offer him. I know he likes to order pizza, his vlogs give quite a bit of an insight to the small things he dips in and out of.

"Oh, no I'm fine, really." Toby says, assuring me he is content, yet his facial expressions tell me otherwise. His eyebrows are furrowed, lips in almost a grimace and his eyes seem completely in focus some else, he must be thinking, thinking very hard.

"Did Olga say something?" I ignore him, knowing that something is definitely up. I attempt to sound casual, by the look on his face, it didn't at all work. "What's the matter with you? It's like you're here but you're brain is back at Jack's place." I say finishing my yogurt off rather quickly, picking the last Reece's piece, which was orange, up with my thumb and index finger and pop it into my mouth, crushing its hard exterior into the soft, sweet yet a little salty peanut butter.

"Skye, it doesn't matter. Just leave it." He says with a touch of irritation carried in his words, obviously acknowledging my plain ignorance.

"Yes, it does matter, you're upset. Don't your feelings count?" I rhetorically ask him, a little more aggressive sounding than I first thought would come out of my mouth. "So she did say something?" His attention whips back to what I asked, cutting silently through the air like some sort of thin, foreign blade.

"Yes and no but don't worry about me, I'm fine." Toby quickly assures me, yet sounding almost ashamed, I don't know why. He sighs as he clasps his hands together and leans forward nearer to the table away from the back of his chair. "She just confuses me." He quietly adds, maybe hoping I didn't hear it.

"And?" I subtly inquire him as I trying to retrieve more information than a vague, short answer. He worryingly looks me in the eye so I take his hands in mine, snaking our fingers together.

"And sometimes she acts like she likes me again," Toby sighs, gripping my hands tighter. "But then when I act the way she does, apparently it's wrong." He says, staring down at our hands and ever so slightly clenching his jaw together, making him look more stressed than he has ever let me see. This is a different Toby in front of me, not the laughing and joking one I'm used to, this Toby is much more realistic.

"Toby, she really is just fucking with your mind." I tell him. "Forget about her. I know this'll sound cheesy but please move on." I advise Toby, saying it clearly and hoping it'll sink into his soft, impressionable skull.

"I know I should but I can't, we had such a good time." Toby whispers, almost in tears and still gripping my hands so tight I don't know if I will be able to feel my fingers soon.

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