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Taken at the age of seven.

I remember everything and everyone that was there that day that destroyed and crumbled my whole world forever. The sound of my parents yelling and screaming and my mother crying, pleading with whomever was downstairs not to hurt them. They hadn't mentioned about me or my two older brothers hiding upstairs in our secret place in the wall. But it didn't muffle the intruders shooting my father killing him and then doing things to my mother hours on end before ending her life the same way as my father.

My brothers and I made sure not to make a sound but somehow they still found us. A hand shot into the wall without second thought of being hurt or anything. My fell back but it was my brother, Riley who screamed and was pulled from the wall followed by my other brother, Daniel and then me. It was like they knew we were there the whole time.

I trembled in the arms of one of the intruders as the other took hold of my brothers and shot them in front of me. Blood from Daniel splattered my face and I stood there in shock. My body felt heavy and wondered if they were going to kill me too or just leave me almost dead.

One of them laughed knocking me to the ground. He pinned my arms behind my back and tied them with something that buried into my skin painfully. Zip ties or something plastic in that category.

-This one will be a beauty when she gets older,- one of the men said bending down next to me. He was so close that I could heard him inhale when his nose touched the back of my head. What was he doing? Why was he smelling me like some weirdo or pervert?

-Yes the master will be pleased with this one,- another one said walking around the guy that had me pinned to the floor.

The way they talked didn't seem normal. Almost like they weren't from this time or this- this country. Their ascent was really heavy like they might be from Greece or Rome. I couldn't be for sure as for only being seven and not really knowing a lot about the world.

My heart was pounding as the guy pulled me up from the floor and hung me over his shoulder. I was till in shock seeing my family murdered by these creeps. The only thing I could make out was the floor and the blood that was now pooling around them all. God why did this have to happen to me? Why my family? There wasn't anything else I saw of the men, my family, the blood or anything else before blacking out.

When I finally came to I was in a very dark and very cold room. I was still in my pj's thankfully, but it didn't do much against the cold. Feeling my hands on the floor I quickly found the closest wall to me and stood following until I found that the front of the room was held together with bars instead of a normal door.

Pressing closer to the steel bars I could clearly hear others whimpering. I couldn't see them but I knew they were there from their cries and soft painful whispers pleading for someone to help them. I kept quiet trying not to draw attention to myself either by the others being held here or by the guys that kidnapped us all.

Time was pointless in here. The darkness made it hard to judge if it was daytime or nighttime. I would slip in and out of sleep because that's all I could do for the time being.... Well that was until someone came walking in. The others cries grew and some of the girls screamed. They were terrified of this person that I still couldn't see. But something told me that they were here for me and not for one of the others.

-Ah I see that you're awake,- a voice came from the darkness in front of my cell. It felt like a prison to me, so why not. But what I wasn't excepting was to see a pair of glowing red eyes turn to look in my direction. I knew that I was afraid, but whatever was going on here. Whoever these people were didn't help in calming me down, it just made it worse.

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