Chapter Ten

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''What would you like to know first?'' Azaix asked pulling steaks out from the refrigerator. He thought it would be good to eat dinner and talk about it. The sound of the steaks sizzling as they hit the pan was satisfying.

Taking a sip from the blue raspberry sparkling water Azaix had pulled out for me. ''I would love to know what Scythe meant by me not being entirely human.''

Azaix flipped the steaks before seasoning the other side of them. ''The only way to describe it to you is to mention the moon goddess,'' he said pulling two plates down. I nodded when he looked over at me. ''The moon goddess is the one who gives us our mates. Or at least werewolves anyways. But hybrids would still only have one mate and normally it would come from the werewolf side before any other.'' I just continued to nod.

''I'm a little confused.'' Azaix looked at me sitting our plates down. The steaks were cooked medium rare for me while his was still rare in the middle.

''What are you confused about?''

''You talked about werewolves would find their mates before any others.'' He nodded waiting for me to finish. ''Would the others not accept the mate?''

He looked at me for a moment. He took a mouth full of food before placing his fork down to turn his body my way. ''I understand what you're saying. I can see why you'd be confused.'' He took a sip of his soda. ''So to answer your question. No that's not how it works. So hybrids have more to them but they will still only have one mate. What I was saying about werewolves is that they would know who their mates were before the other aspects of ones self.''

Taking a bite of my own food, it was like butter. The steak was so tender and melted in my mouth. ''I think I understand now.'' I took another small bite. ''And this is really amazing. Thank you so much Azaix.''

''Anything for you,'' he said kissing me. His smile was so contagious. ''You can ask me to cook for you any time you'd like.''

''Okay.'' We sat there eating for a while. It was nice sitting with him. He warmed me with his body heat. I mean it just seemed to leak from his body even without me having to touch him.

''May I ask how me and the moon goddess are connected?''

''Of course you can.'' Azaix threw his arm behind me to rest on the back of my chair. ''It's not certain on how,'' he started with. ''Scythe believes that you're either the direct descendant of the moon goddess or that you have been blessed by her in some way or another.'' I looked at him. He sounded so unsure of what he was saying. ''I just don't fully know yet. We just sense her on you.''

''Has anyone ever seen or talked to the moon goddess?'' I didn't know what I was asking. It felt like a really long shot but the question rolled off my tongue. Azaix almost choked on his soda.

The way he looked at me told me the answer. His eyes were wide. ''No one has seen the moon goddess since the day werewolves were created. In fact no one sees any of the gods unless they want something or they have been angered.''

So there's more than one god. The gods were real and are hardly seen unless they need something. I put my hand on the side of my face. This was so much more than what I thought I knew about the world. Go- gods why did this have to be the way things were.

I again just nodded my head. Azaix knew it was getting more than I could handle. We changed the subject so we could both finish our meal then we both just snuggled on the couch.

Going to bed seemed strange. I was the first to make myself comfortable in bed and Azaix followed behind me. I didn't hear or feel him crawl into bed as I rolled over to see him laying there.

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