Chapter Sixteen

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Weeks passed. Azaix, Anilith and Solar took turns taking care of me. Solar and Anilith were the two that were more active at night while Azaix was during the day.

Today marked four months of being pregnant. Thazon was coming over while Azaix was out scouting with a couple others. I was dressed in loose fitting black leggings and a very loose black tank top. The twins were growing like wildfire.

''How are you feeling this morning?'' Thazon asked as I let him in.

''I'm doing good.'' Today I felt great. I wasn't hurting or felt tired. I started feeling this way about a week ago.

I made myself comfortable on the couch. I pulled my shirt up to show my growing tummy. Thazon seemed really pleased by how the twins were growing. Their heartbeats were the same. Good and very strong. They even moved to make it difficult because he had brought an ultrasound machine that could see them and their development.

''Would you like to know the sex of the twins?'' Thazon asked. The larger Doppler was hovering over one of the twins. I smiled to see the larger twin sucking on their thumb. The other one had covered it's face with their hand. They were so different from each other.

Azaix had just walked in. He was sweaty all over. ''Hey,'' I said as he sat down on his knees next to me.

''Hey baby,'' he said back. Sweat rolled down his temple as he looked over at the ultrasound machine. The twin that it showed was still on was sucking their thumb. Nothing much had changed but the other twin had moved closer to snuggle up to the other one.

''Are the twins behaving the way you want them to Thazon?''

''Oh yes my King.'' Yeah Thazon has been calling Azaix king because neighboring wolf packs have been stopping by to show support. ''The twins are behaving beautifully. They're growing perfectly. All organs look good.'' He looked back to the screen as the smaller twin moved their hand against the doppler causing it to shift.

''I was asking your beautiful mate if she wanted to know the sex of your twins.'' I still hadn't said anything regarding to that. I knew that I wanted to wait for Azaix to be here, but I also didn't know his view of it. The twins were both in disagreement with each other. One said that they wanted us to know while the other one didn't. Azaix chuckled. He could hear everything.

''I think it's up to my beautiful mate. The love of my life.'' When I looked his way, he smirked. He was really going to leave the decision up to me. The twins were arguing with each other. The now more quiet, shy twin ended up crying because the still very outgoing one called them means, hurtful names. It reminded me of how I use to be as a young girl. I was shy and very easily hurt.

I turned my eyes to look at the screen and Thazon. ''I think we'll wait.'' The outgoing one yelled and screamed while the shy twin sniffles trying to calm down. Azaix nodded in agreement to my choice. Which I was glad about.

After our meeting with Thazon, we went for a walk to the lake. We didn't stay long, but it was long enough to meet with Dune and his wife. Dune had asked Azaix when was he was going to marry me. But he nor I had an answer for him. If I knew better, Dune probably had already seen it but was just asking the question to see.

''When would you like to get married?'' I asked as the treehouse came into view. There was no response as we got close. Azaix had wrapped his arm around me as we approached the stairs. I looked up at him. ''Do you want to get married to me?''

''What!'' Azaix stopped in his tracks. ''Of course I want to get married to you baby.'' Okay. I rested my hand on their railing for more support. ''I just haven't really had the time to think about that.'' I nodded. I knew he didn't with the other packs being here.

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