Chapter Four

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Honestly I really wasn't planning on leaving the pack house tonight. When I asked King Azaix what he had in mind for dinner, that had peaked his interest that I was interested in whatever he offered.

I picked out what I thought would be comfortable. I knew I could've wore what I had on, but I figured if we were going out for dinner then I at least I could do was to look nice. Maybe throw on some make-up.

You can do this, I told myself getting ready. I ended up picking a little white dress that was a little loose but felt nice against my skin. Not itchy in the slightest. And then make-up. It wasn't over kill. I put some foundation on then followed it up with some eyeliner.

''You look beautiful.'' I heard Thazon say from the doorway.

''You don't think it's to much?'' I was starting to doubt myself. I was never allowed to wear anything. Only the royals were allowed.

Thazon walked over to me. His smile was so bright and welcoming. I sometimes wish that he was my father. He just had that fatherly demeanor. Everyone felt at home with him.

''You look stunning. King Azaix will think so too.''

That's all I needed to hear. I walked out of my room to head down where King Azaix was waiting for me. When he saw me he jumped up from his chair and just stared.

''Do I look okay?'' I ask shyly lowering my eyes as I approached him.

''Do you look okay?'' He looked me over before slipping his hand in mine locking our fingers together. ''You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.''

The others were staring. They all wore a smile except for one. The female that had pushed herself onto King Azaix wasn't happy in the slightest. She unlike the others actually opened her mouth to voice her displeasure.

''I can't believe you'd take such trash out to dinner!'' She snapped at King Azaix. The others had moved away. They knew this wasn't going to be good. They knew.

King Azaix growled turning to her. He had let go of my hand to take a protective, but also challenging step towards her. Meivris pulled me away and stood in front of me in an act to shield me from the violence that was about to unfold. And it did. She lunged for him and he grabbed her by the neck. The two of them fought with each other before two new hybrids came running in. They pulled them apart but the one that had the female dragged her out of the house while she was screaming and kicking.

I pushed passed Meivris and walked to King Azaix's side. I could see blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were black. He wouldn't even look down to look at me.

''Come on,'' I softly said grabbing his hand. I pulled him with me with little struggle from him. He just followed behind me down to his room and allowed me to sit him on the edge of his bed.

There was a huge gash on his lip where most of the blood was coming from. It probably needed stitches but I didn't see anything in that nature in the medical supplies King Azaix had in his bathroom. The ointment and the stitches type tape would have to work in this case. It would. I knew what I was doing from all the times having to patch up Master Garrett after having his little fights with other vampires or the worst of them. Rogue werewolves that were brought in just for the soul purpose of fighting and fighting until he got tired of them and killed them off for new ones. So I was very well known for sewing and patching up wounds.

Placing everything beside him I pulled out a cotton q-tip swab from the box of like ten that were left. I guess he had to use these a lot. Next was the ointment. It was antibacterial ointment. Good I thought. I put a small dab on the q-tip.

Before I was able to put the ointment on the wound King Azaix stopped me. He still hadn't tired making eye contact with me. But even though he wasn't looking at me I could see the pain and discomfort in his eyes. Maybe it was to much for him. Maybe I just needed to back off and give him some space to think about what happened.

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