Chapter Five

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At first I thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming of him standing there. It took a second for it to really register that he was in fact standing not even fifteen feet away from me.

Fear....... In that moment I felt fear and lowered my head in submission as he came closer. I had that deep feeling that he would never hurt me, but for some reason I just felt the need to show some respect. To lower my head and wait for what's to come. 

''I found you.'' I heard him say as he let a loud sigh of relief. Seconds later I felt his arms wrap around me and being pulled to his chest. ''I thought I lost you.''

My eyes widened. Tears fell from my eyes as I buried my head in his shoulder. He just held me. Rubbing his hand along my back. It felt so good.

''I'm so sorry,'' I whispered.

I could feel his arms move back, trailing down my arms. Then I felt his hand pull my chin up so I was looking at him. His eyes were black but there was a softness to them. He wiped away the tears with his thumb.

''You don't need to be sorry.'' His voice was filled with pain. His hands shook holding my arms. King Azaix must've been really scared and I caused him to be. ''You are not the cause of my pain Moriah.'' I knew that was a lie. He was just saying that to make me feel better. But I knew the truth.

''But I am though.''

King Azaix or I guess I should say King Anilith just looked at me. He lowered his eyes taking a deep breath before looking back up to me. His eyes went back to their normal color but the colors flashed around the edges.

''Breakfast is ready.''

We both turned our heads to see Virith standing there. King Azaix stiffened as he stood. He pulled me up and held me close to him, it made me think that his father was a danger to me. Even Virith could see the tension and stepped back with his hands up.

''He..... He helped me,'' I said placing my hand on his chest. His eyes quickly snapped down to me.

''My father?'' I nodded. He still was on edge but nodded like he understood. He wrapped an arm around my waist and and led me back to the cabin. We walked inside to see there was two plates of pancakes, eggs, bacon and a glass of milk and orange juice.

We walked over to the table. King Azaix helped me to sit next to him. Which he had moved his chair to where it was touching mine like he didn't want any space between us. His leg bounced up and down under the chair. He didn't want to be here. I looked at the food and wanted to dig right in, but I was to nervous to move. I didn't like how tense King Azaix was.

''You're making her nervous Azaix!'' Virith said sitting down on the other end of the table. He didn't make eye contact with King Azaix but looked beyond him to look at me. He gave me a small smile.

''Eat.'' He said it so calmly. But neither of us moved to his request allowing us to eat.

''I'm not hungry!'' King Azaix voiced next to me. He had his hands in balls under the table.

Virith finally looked over at his son. He raised an eyebrow. ''Really! You're not hungry. That's news to me.''

A low growl left King Azaix's throat. I looked over at him. His eyes were focused downward but I could see that they were black again. ''I SAID I wasn't hungry,'' he snarled darkly.

I jumped in my seat. King Aza-, I mean King Anilith gently grabbed my hand. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles to calm me. It kind of works but when Virith stood up all of a sudden, he let go of my hand and growled.

Please...... Please don't fight, I said to myself. The way they were staring each other down made it look like they were. I started having flash backs of the fights that would break out. My heart started racing and it felt like I couldn't breath.

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