Chapter Seventeen

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When the day came for the attack to happen, Anilith sat down with me and walked me through all that would happen. ''I don't like the plan,'' I said. I hated that Anilith would be at the head of the packs. This meant he would and could possibly be the first one targeted.

''I know you don't,'' he said taking my hand. ''If there was another way to attack and all the packs could agree on, we'd come up with a different plan.''

Thazon just walked in. He had some food for me to eat. He was good cook. Anilith was jealous that Thazon never brought him food. Some of the alphas thought it was very disrespectful of him to not feed his king at the same time as the king's mate. It was but I knew why Thazon was doing it.

Around noon all the alphas had gathered in the meeting house. Anilith left me to join them. So I got to lay in bed as Thazon came in and out of the wing taking care of me and others that were hurt and sick. The young boy, Yuma came to visit me. His mother was talking to Thazon while we visited with each other. I learned a lot more about Yuma than the first time I met him. That his father was full alien and that he was apparently coming to visit Yuma in the next couple days.

I got stir crazy after Yuma and his mother left. I started walking around the wing to see all the different flowers and herbs that were growing around the building and garden. Thazon suggested that I take it slow but I more or less walked until I had to sit down on one of the benches.

The breeze felt good. I was sitting under a tree when I felt the air chill a little. Looking to my left I saw Scythe standing there. ''Hello Scythe,'' I said waving to him. I wanted to be nice since I didn't know why he was here.

Scythe walked over and sat down next to me. The air shifted so much with him just being around. ''Beautiful day isn't it?''

I side eyed him. ''Yeah it's a beautiful day,'' I said trying to understand why he started with that. The sun was shinning, yes. But the way he said it made me wonder if it wasn't going to stay that way. ''What brings you here Scythe?''

He looked down at me. His black eyes burned a hole into my soul. ''A reaper must be present when new possible reapers are born into this cursed world.''

''So you're saying the twins will be coming soon?''

''Soon would be an understatement, Moriah.'' Scythe looked at the falling flower petals. His eyes very slowly turned back to me. I got a really nervous, sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. ''The twins will come sometime today. If not very early tomorrow morning.''

Jumping up from my seat Scythe grabbed my hand. His fingers were like ice that I yanked my hand free. Scythe jumped up. I forgot how much taller he was compared to me.

''He has already left.'' This I kind of had a feeling they would be gone by now. It was to quiet around camp. ''I and possibly Thazon will be the only ones to help you when the time comes.'' I just nodded because there was no point in fighting this.

For the remainder of the day, Scythe followed me around. I was starting to feel contractions in my lower back. The twins were talking back and forth with each other. They were arguing about who wanted to go first. Scythe was by my side. His hand resting where the pain was the worst.

''I don't want them to come yet,'' I said through a contraction. Thazon was now in the room. Hooking me up to up so he could see their heart rates on the monitor.

''You may not.'' Scythe looked down at the book that just appeared in from of him. Nothing was written on the page it opened to. ''But the twins are ready. So you must be ready to. With or without Anilith here.''

His humor wasn't helping my pain. If I hadn't been in labor I probably would've kicked Scythe's ass. He snorted next to me. Clearly hearing my thoughts as I said them. Well I didn't give a fuck. One point or another Thazon checked me and I was sitting at being six centimeters dilated.

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