Chapter 1: Christmas & Beginning The Count Down

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1st POV
World 0 | year 0 | month 12 | day 24

Christmas is right around the corner and the snow has returned again. During me time back, I have been coming to terms with some of the trauma caused or rather collected from that reality.

I've also made Sebastian watch each and each one of the fandoms I could possibly be shifting to, well most of them, some I decided could wait. I also have banned him until he turns at least 10 from touching the books on the reality I have been to, plus the movies/TV shows, mainly because he will become too concerned about my well-being if he knew everything.

Over the time period the two of us also have been doing some combat training. To say the least he is better at it than me. His demon speed, is rather annoying but I think I've figured out some ways to deal with it.

As of now though, Christmas Day is tomorrow, I'm preparing to make Sebastian's first Christmas a good one. The presents have been wrapped and placed underneath the Christmas tree, the foods have been prepared and the stockings have been hung on the fireplace.

Having gone over the list multiple times now, all I need to do now is wait for him to fall asleep and I can sneakily fill the stockings. Though, I should probably wait until either Notan is asleep or isn't around. They have taken great joy in ruining things lately.

World 0 | year 0 | month 12 | day 25

The night soon came and it was soon 12:00 am. Meaning insomnia hours have begun.

I can't believe, I'm actually happy I have insomnia right now.

I creep out of me bedroom in the mansion and head to the sitting area where the stockings are with my hands filled with treats to fill them. I couldn't hear Notan anywhere, meaning the coast is clear. I had gotten my heartbeat hearing, during the year.

I head in and fill them before heading straight back to my room, via the study. I stop in the study and decide to spend some time in there while I wait for 4:00 am.

I spent that time looking at some of the raw pieces created by the system and confirm the fact that this will never be read by anyone else. I also did some writing of my own to store up until it hits 2013.

Once it hits 4:00 am, I'm back in bed and fall back asleep, waking up to Sebastian in my round and on my bed.

"Morning." I greet sleepily and get up, only to be dragged out of the room straight to the sitting room.

I watch as his face lights up seeing that the stockings are filled, and he goes over to it and sees it has some chocolates and other sweets.

"They filled up." He states excitedly and passes me, mine.

"I told you they would." I comment with a smile.

"I know but Notan said they might not." Sebastian states.

That's why they weren't around. Hopefully this is just a faze of some kind.

We move on to the presents. Sebastian gets a jumper with a cat on it and another cat pillow. I get a pretty haori jacket and a framed picture of Sebastian, Notan and I. Notan got a new cat scratching pole.

Notan upon seeing it, goes over and checks it out before giving a nod of approval, of their present.

Why was I holding my breath? I shouldn't care that much of what they think of it.

After that we get the feast that I had prepared before heading our separate ways. I head back to the hut and start the counter for the next reality from the list.

15 days

Not bad, it's less than last time which is nice.

With that done I spend the rest of my time, making plans for the future and watching some videos.

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