Stepmom vs daughter

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The voice came from downstairs with anger and impatience. Her stepmom was gonna bug her yet again about something stupid.

"What!" She replied annoyed.

"Why aren't the dishes clean!"

"I told you I was going to do them later!"

"It is later! How am I supposed to prepare dinner with dirty dishes!"

"If you care about it so much then do it yourself and stop bugging me!"

She added bitch at the end quietly, hoping the Eye of Sauron would turn its evil gaze elsewhere. She never understood why her dad married someone like that, he deserved far better. Her hopes of him hitting the panic button on the marriage was dwindling by the day. Heavy footsteps was heard marching up the stairs with haste, the queen bitch herself was coming to submit her complaints face to face. The door flung open, a brunette in her forties entered the room uninvited to stand her ground.

"What was that last part I heard?"

Ashley's heart sunk for a moment, she was certain her stepmom didn't hear that last part. Either she had super-hearing or she was a demon in human skin. Ashley calmed herself, realizing this wasn't her real mom, it was just some lady trying to be.

"Really? You came all the way up here to waste my time and ask me that, Claire?" The smirk on Ashley's face said it all, she didn't respect her stepmom and she was never going to. Claire knew if she didn't put her foot down now, things would never change. She was gonna have to teach daddy's little girl a lesson right now.

"Get up."


"I said," Claire slapped the phone out of Ashley's hand, "get your ass up!"

Ashley got off the bed to face her. This bitch was going to get it. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Get it through that nutcase head of yours. You're not my mom and you never will be. You're just a pathetic, trailer trash slut that won the lottery of being with a good man that likes you for some unknown reason."

"Wow, that's pretty funny coming from you. I will get my respect one way or another, and speaking of sluts," Claire took out her phone and went through it happily, a video appeared with familiar faces, "is this you and Evan supposedly studying?"

The video was clear and crisp. It showed Ashley deep throating and sucking the life out of Evan, Pornhub would eat this alive if it were uploaded.

"What the fuck? What are you doing invading my privacy?"

"I'm sure daddy wouldn't be happy if he saw this, I wonder what he'll think when he sees it? Maybe we should find out and see his reaction."

"No, wait! Please!" The desperation in Ashley's voice was strained, the cockiness she had was gone and was replaced with dread. Her father would kill Evan and more importantly, kill her too. This evil bitch had this up her sleeve all along, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Well, well, well, the little princess is begging for once. Hmm, let me think about it for a minute."

"Look, I'm sorry about before, just please don't show this to my dad. I-I'll clean the dishes like you wanted, I'll do whatever, okay?" Ashley swallowed her volcanic anger, erupting now would only bring chaos. The threat was real, she could see it in Claire's evil blue eyes. She would play obedient until she got her hands on the phone and smash it to pieces. "So, what do you want from me? This can't be just about dishes, Clai--"

"It's mommy from now on," she interrupted.

"You want me to call you mommy?" Ashley asked the question with laughter and disbelief.

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