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Boots scuffing along the floor as she was dragged Natasha Romanoff hung her head: so much for the infamous Black Widow.

Considering her situation Natasha decided not to resist the two female guards as they led her along a futuristic corridor. Relations between Wakanda and the UN were poor enough before she was caught on their territory and given how easily she had been subdued Natasha was not at all tempted to fight them again. Easily supporting her limp frame, the Dora Milaje carried Natasha into the unknown depths of their world.

Entering a brightly lit chamber Natasha was impressed; Wakandan interior design really lived up to the hype. Surrounded by translucent ornamentation, the room seemed to have been carved from solid rock to create a space that was somehow futuristic and yet uniquely vernacular to the African state, its walls adorned with glowing symbols that the former Spy couldn't hope to read.

Thrown to her knees Natasha collapsed onto the glass floor:


Rising up on her haunches Natasha sighed wearily, brushing dirt from her battered catsuit. In spite of her situation the Avenger had seen worse, dusting herself of as she addressed the guards:

"You girls really know how to treat a foreign ambassador."

Two spears crossing her throat Natasha froze in place, casual demeanour flickering with genuine concern as the Dora Milaje threatened her:

"Bad joke! Let me start again. My name is-"

"-We know who you are!"

Striding before the impertinent intruder Okoye stared down at the redhead in disgust:

"Natasha Romanoff: the 'Daughter of Drago', survivor of the Red Room, former Agent of SHIELD and member of the Avengers. You think these titles give you the right to invade a sovereign nation? To attempt to steal our relics!? I should execute you right here!"

Eying the General of Wakanda, the statuesque warrior woman resplendent in her red and gold armour, Natasha had no doubt Okoye was serious; coiled like a viper and ready to strike:

"I apologise for any misunderstanding... But I am here on a diplomatic assignment and have committed no crime against your people-"

Reaching behind her Okoye revealed the bulbous lump of vibranium Natasha had attempted to steal from an abandoned temple, dropping it onto the floor before the redhead. The obelisk landed with an echoing clang:

"I'm sorry, what were you lying??"

Natasha swallowed hard; there was no doubt her fingerprints were all over that thing. With the Avengers broken up and no available support her situation was becoming increasingly bleak. She would have to use cunning to get out of this one.

Addressing the redhead Okoye annunciated every stern word with her clipped African dialect:

"Our War Dogs have discovered your true nature Black Widow; your 'Sub-Missions' speak to your duplicitous calling and your morally bankrupt Western Culture."

Leaning over Okoye whispered her final jab in Natasha's ear:

"This is why we don't respect your titles Romanoff; We know who you are beneath it all."

Emerging through the doorway a beautiful Wakanda woman strode into the chamber, her sensuous green dress and calm demeanour a welcome change from the hostile warriors surrounding the redhead, addressing Natasha's captors:

"She is still entitled to a trial befitting the customs of Wakanda!"

"What!?" Okoye snarled: "She is nothing but a filthy foreign Spy!"

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